Flock murdered, WARNING GRAPHIC PHOTOS!!!!!


11 Years
Jan 20, 2009
East Central Illinois
Background: Member of BYC since 2009, chicken owner since 2006.
I found THIS on November 27th~


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These were my livestock, and, as far as I can tell it was a weasel that killed them. He beat me to butchering this older flock. I intended to save DD the trouble of chicken feeding while I would be away on a week long trip. Didn't trust the meat, and I ended up throwing away probably 70 pounds of meat!!! :mad:
I need to fix the 12 x 30ft run and coop and I do not intend to replace birds until the Spring. I had thought about doing this in the past, but haven't had any incidents until a few weeks ago, so I put it off.
I am HOPING that this thread will help anybody fix their coops bc I cannot find ANY threads or ANY online (not BYC) posts that show exactly how to do so.
IF I am wrong and cannot find this here at BYC, PLEASE, PLEASE send me links!!
Right now, I am looking at 1/2inch, 4 ft high hardware cloth and I know that I can dig down about 4 inches below the soil/run level and wire the pieces together.
Should I attach the hardware cloth to the inside of the fencing?
I believe that I can secure the hardware cloth. We have had to repair horse fencing in the past (before we refenced with pipe in 2008) and we have used hardware cloth in the garage bc the previous owners built a dandy 4 car garage, but then just laid fiberglass insulation in the rafters and it has been falling down. Stapling hardware cloth holds it up without a lot of weight.
Considering taking a hammer to cinder blocks to split them in 2 and laying them along the bottom of all fencelines. Maybe, I'll just buy more 8 x 16" pavers and put those on top of the hardware cloth bent underground.
I Still have about 50 ft of barbed wire leftover from fence repair, and stored dry.
I would be MORE THAN HAPPY to have a chicken predator rip it's little paws up on it.
Anyway, any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.
My ETA for new birds is April, 2020. Thanks!:hugs


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@50-45-1 , I am pretty sure it was dawnish. My 2 dogs took off towards the coop, BUT, my GS (16mo) has had some running issues and I called them both back. The other dog is 12yo and listens very well.
Yep, I leave the pop door open. I have always trained my hens to put themselves in the coop at dusk. There is a smallish pond about 1/4 mile away.
If you are looking for ways to improve the security of your run, perhaps uploading some photos of the fenced area would help.

You do mention hardware cloth, and I agree, that adding a layer of fencing over the chain link will help. The smaller the holes, the less critters that can get through them. I would attach the secondary fencing to the outside and bend it out flat along the ground at 90 degrees so that you also have a dig proof apron.

I also agree that it might be something from the weasel family, something that could fit through the holes, but couldn't drag the birds back out through the holes.

There is a possibility something climbed in and over the top as well after failing to be able to pull birds through, like a raccoon. Aviary/bird netting could be used to cover a run of your size, you would probably need a few posts in the middle to combat sag.
well, that is what we are trying to do, Help...
is the coop securely locked at night or is it open to the Chain link fence run?
the secure lock coop at night is the first step. its alot easier to secure a coop than an open coop and run.

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