Sorry for duplication! I think I posted this in the wrong place earlier and am unable to delete it. Have mercy on an old lady! :)

I am plotting and planning my coop design, trying to reuse/recycle as much as possible. I have been checking out floorplans and examples on here and other sites. I have noticed that most of the photos of people's coops are pretty enclosed, with maybe a window or two and vents, but solid walls. Do you find that works in our climate?

My plan is to enclose an area under balcony and stairs of our two story workshop. Dimension will be about 6' deep, 5' wide' and 8' tall. I was thinking of using a screen door (reinforced with hardware cloth) but am now wondering if that's too breezy?

I am starting with two chickens but will have no more than 6 eventually. I will have a covered run of about 120 square feet.

I appreciate any input. Thanks!
Hello sentinelchicken!
I am new to chickens and am actually in the middle of building a permanent coop myself, but from what I understand is that chickens are pretty cold hardy ( you probably have pretty mild winters...I am north of you in Jax so it might get colder here idk). I think lots of ventilation, without being drafty is key. Have you read up on the deep litter method? It's sposed to be good for keeping warm in winter but it needs lots of ventilation. I was doing like you and reading about other people's coops. I paid a lot of attention to what people said they would do differently (trying to learn from other people's mistakes lol) The screen door would probably be good but if you thought it was too drafty you could cover it with some plastic in the winter. Post some pics...would love to see what you end up doing with your coop!

Hi 3 Cedars Silkies,
We may be the closest neighbors so far listed here. I live about 9 +/- miles from Archer.
Just checking in to say "Hello" mixed flock of full size birds, just acquired some Pheasants, trying to hatch / grow Sultans (no luck so far), Japanese (hatched 4 lost 2), Silkie, Frizzle, Sizzle all still to young or have the gene but not the trait. Time will tell.
Have 2 in the bator that have pipped but taking sweet time cracking all the way and climbing out.

I'm from a little one horse town in Florida called MIMS! It's just north of Titusville, where the Kennedy Space Center is in Brevard County! Had chickens as a kid, and just now (15yrs later) got my flock going again! 3 Buff Orpingtions, 2 Barred Rocks, 2 Easter Eggers, and 4 Golden Buffs! They hatched Aug. 19 2013, so hoping for some eggs the beginning of the year! Whoo Hoo! Nice to "meet" you all!

I'm from a little one horse town in Florida called MIMS! It's just north of Titusville, where the Kennedy Space Center is in Brevard County! Had chickens as a kid, and just now (15yrs later) got my flock going again! 3 Buff Orpingtions, 2 Barred Rocks, 2 Easter Eggers, and 4 Golden Buffs! They hatched Aug. 19 2013, so hoping for some eggs the beginning of the year! Whoo Hoo! Nice to "meet" you all!
Hello babowman3!
Welcome babowman! Aren't they just a bunch of fun?! I'm sure they are full of personality as is, but just wait till they grow up. So full of themselves. They were one of the best things that ever happened to me, and I hope you enjoy them as much!
Sorry for duplication! I think I posted this in the wrong place earlier and am unable to delete it. Have mercy on an old lady! :)

I am plotting and planning my coop design, trying to reuse/recycle as much as possible. I have been checking out floorplans and examples on here and other sites. I have noticed that most of the photos of people's coops are pretty enclosed, with maybe a window or two and vents, but solid walls. Do you find that works in our climate?

My plan is to enclose an area under balcony and stairs of our two story workshop. Dimension will be about 6' deep, 5' wide' and 8' tall. I was thinking of using a screen door (reinforced with hardware cloth) but am now wondering if that's too breezy?

I am starting with two chickens but will have no more than 6 eventually. I will have a covered run of about 120 square feet.

I appreciate any input. Thanks!

I have both kinds of coops, enclosed and open, some PVC hoop coops and some traditional wood coops. Both work well but i do find the enclosed ones have cleaner chickens in the summer. The other thing i do is make windows with hardware cloth and have a hinged shutter to put down if the weather is bad. I also always leave a hole in the top of the coop between the top of the walls and the roof, this way the air comes in at the bottom and goes out at the top keeping circulation going (like the old cracker houses)...

either way my chickens really don't seem to care..
Welcome babowman! Aren't they just a bunch of fun?! I'm sure they are full of personality as is, but just wait till they grow up. So full of themselves. They were one of the best things that ever happened to me, and I hope you enjoy them as much!

Hi there! Yes my fiance and I enjoy them very much! Matter of fact, for our cheap date nights (since we are wedding planning and cutting back a lot) we grab a bottle of wine, and bring our fold out chairs to the chicken run about an hr before dark, and just watch the chickens! :)
Hi there! Yes my fiance and I enjoy them very much! Matter of fact, for our cheap date nights (since we are wedding planning and cutting back a lot) we grab a bottle of wine, and bring our fold out chairs to the chicken run about an hr before dark, and just watch the chickens!
Funny! Somewhere back in this thread someone posted a video of their chickens playing with an apple hung from a string and chasing it and pecking it. It would only increase the cost of your date by an apple!

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