Florida Hen- If you are putting it up on cinders you need to be aware that that is the perfect crawl space for rats. Believe me they can chew into the bottom of a coop in just a few days once they start. I wouldn't have put it on the ground either for that reason May want to raise it a good 2' off the ground and give the girls a ladder to go up. Rats can climb the ladder but if you close the coop door at night they can't get in. Alternatively just build a small 'porch' for the girls to fly up to. Then rats can get up there at all. ;-)
Great ideas! I had an A frame 4 X 8 coop/run with 4X4 of the upper part of it closed off for the coop itself. We built a platform for it to raise it 3 feet higher, added a front door, and hatch door that locks down. Ladder leads up to the hatch door from underneath. Nothing can get into the coop itself in case any critters get into the run part. We have a replica of this same A frame coop and are going to build an 8 ft run (halved) to go between them and to join them (for asthetic purposes) to allow more run room for both coops. The coop isn't designed for more than 4-5 chickens and I will have 5 in each for my breeders. I know 5 chickens in there is not the usual 4 st per bird, but these are my breeder pens and the chickens will only be in there at night to sleep. All of my chickens free range in the afternoon.
Swap meets this Saturday, May 2, 2015? I have looked at various schedules and some are very outdated and don't want to travel 30-75 miles for nothing. Looking for a larger crowd.
LOL I made the same mistake for nesting material once. Never even thought about it when I put it in. Later the nests are ripped apart and he he "straw" is all over the place.

Is it illegal for an indiana person to post here? I have stayed in FL before. Does that count?

I have been told that the difference between a Yankee and a **** Yankee is that the Yankee goes back home. I'm a **** Yankee from MN.

The other half just saw what we believe is a coyote tonight while walking the dogs. We've recently thought we had one hanging around, the dogs have been acting strange outside and there have been scratching noises on our windows and garage at night. Used to hear howling at night, but haven't heard much recently.

Needless to say, we have hardware cloth on order now and the birds are not leaving the garage into their new outdoor pen until we get that installed.

The other half just saw what we believe is a coyote tonight while walking the dogs. We've recently thought we had one hanging around, the dogs have been acting strange outside and there have been scratching noises on our windows and garage at night. Used to hear howling at night, but haven't heard much recently.

Needless to say, we have hardware cloth on order now and the birds are not leaving the garage into their new outdoor pen until we get that installed.

Knows the feeling on the coyotes... just heard from FWC, they verified my request on finding out if there were coyotes on the acreage nearby... they told me that the other day they got on a wildlife came a pack living on the State Land next door, when it is dark, you can hear them talking to each other... but I would prefer they go someplace else, I am just hoping all the animals on the Land there keep them far from my chicken coop!
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Today was fun. Finally almost done with construction on the chicken run. Then we will start on their giant coop!

Their run is a 20x20ft. We will be putting the coop, 8x16ft, to the right of the run and attaching another 20x20ft run on the opposite side.




The hardest part about this construction is the heat and humidity. Having to stop every hour or two to cool off inside is time consuming.
The hardest part about this construction is the heat and humidity. Having to stop every hour or two to cool off inside is time consuming.
Drink water. A lot and lot of water. Mild dehydration makes the heat much worse. When we're properly hydrated, we can stay outside (just in the shade) most of the day if need be.

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