Drink water.  A lot and lot of water.  Mild dehydration makes the heat much worse.  When we're properly hydrated, we can stay outside (just in the shade) most of the day if need be.

We went through a gallon of water between the two of us this afternoon. Its not really that for us, it is the area we grew up in. I grew up in the California desert, and my other half is from Michigan. Humidity is what kills us, because neither of us are used to not being able to cool off by drinking water. We just moved to Florida last July, so the adjustment factor is still there.

Our other problem is that, as you can see in the pictures, our project is mostly in full sun. So hot!
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Today was fun. Finally almost done with construction on the chicken run. Then we will start on their giant coop!

Their run is a 20x20ft. We will be putting the coop, 8x16ft, to the right of the run and attaching another 20x20ft run on the opposite side.

The hardest part about this construction is the heat and humidity. Having to stop every hour or two to cool off inside is time consuming.

I have a couple of 8 x 16 coops. I made them into duplexes with a gate in the middle so I can either use them as a large single coop or two smaller coops. Mostly now they are two smaller coops. There are doors to the nest boxes so I can collect the eggs from outside the coops.

This coop and pen are moveable. The wheels store on top.

There is also a gate between the pens.
New run complete!


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