
Just wondered if any of my friends here have bantam/larger roo chicks or hatches?

I have a Wheaten Ameraucana Bantam roo really likes my LF EE and I am pretty sure he successfully mated her. 2 eggs went into incubator a couple days ago. Anxious to see if I am right

Have known LF roo to mate with bantam hens. If you are worried just keep an eye on him. Unless he is huge and clumsy, he probably won't hurt them.
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We live in Melbourne Florida, Brevard County, and are hoping to start up our own small group of hens after the Christmas holidays. I have yet to purchase a coop - still on the fence for which one - not sure who to buy from as the kits I was looking at online have poor reviews and seem entirely too small for four hens. We are zoned for up to four hens, so that shouldn't be an issue.

I am curious if anyone knows of a good area to buy baby chicks - we have the Funky Chicken Farm nearby - not sure if they have the breeds we want.

We wish to purchase two Barred Rocks and two RIRs - our local feed store often has RIRs around Easter - but we were hoping for something sooner than that. We do have a brooder we can fix up for the babies so I suppose we could get the tiny chicks before we get the coop.

Any advice is welcome!

There are two local breeders in Brevard: Funky Chicken Farm and Bundy's Bird Bordello (Vera Bundy) (321) 723-2986

My neighbor and I got our chicks from C&J feed on Aurora Rd. (321) 254-9930

I have visited Funky Chicken Farm and purchased seeds but not poultry, rabbits, pigs etc.

C&J has chicks coming in Wed where I'm picking up my first batch of 8.

PM if you want.

There are two local breeders in Brevard: Funky Chicken Farm and Bundy's Bird Bordello (Vera Bundy) (321) 723-2986

My neighbor and I got our chicks from C&J feed on Aurora Rd. (321) 254-9930

I have visited Funky Chicken Farm and purchased seeds but not poultry, rabbits, pigs etc.

C&J has chicks coming in Wed where I'm picking up my first batch of 8.

PM if you want.

Do you know what kind of chicks they have?.
This time C&J is getting Australorps, Orpingtons, Amauracanas and Rocks plus bonus breed(s) that the hatchery sends. They never know the bonus but last month they got Jersey Giants and my neighbor got 2. In just 6 weeks, the JG's make the others look like bantams.

Funky Chicken has NH Reds, Barred Rock and RIR that I know of. Maybe some others. They are open on Sat & Sun only and you can call them to find out what they have available. They also sell pullets not just chicks.

Bundy's has been recommended to me by several people for having "all kinds of chicks". She comes into town about once a month to the Tractor Supply over on 192. There's no schedule and as of today, they don't know when she's coming next.
Is C&J getting monthly shipments of chicks now? I used to purchase all my dog food from them and was in the shop every month and only remember seeing chicks twice a year. And back then, all they would get was RIRs - I used to beg them to get some Barred Rocks and he finally did, but I missed out as I couldn't yet get any.
Hey all - wondering what breeds you all think are the best for our crazy hot summers what not. As we all know, Florida is a far cry different than most of the rest of the U.S.

I will only be having 4 hens, so I can't go crazy, but I had a notion to have two barred rocks and two RIRs. I really don't know much about any of the breeds, was only going on some information I read and the look of the birds and relative heartiness, but I understand some breeds are bossier than others - just curious what you all felt was a good mix for both our weather and egg laying goodness, as well as breeds that normally get along.
Hey all - wondering what breeds you all think are the best for our crazy hot summers what not. As we all know, Florida is a far cry different than most of the rest of the U.S.

I will only be having 4 hens, so I can't go crazy, but I had a notion to have two barred rocks and two RIRs. I really don't know much about any of the breeds, was only going on some information I read and the look of the birds and relative heartiness, but I understand some breeds are bossier than others - just curious what you all felt was a good mix for both our weather and egg laying goodness, as well as breeds that normally get along.

You can raise any breed you want. The most important things are shade and plenty of water. As long as the birds have shade they are good. Even in the colder months on sunny days my birds gather under their shade tables that I have in each pen. I have planted trees in all of the pens too. The shade tables also provide shelter from rain.

Holy cow that's a lot of chickunz! Thank you for that tip, for shade space. I do have several trees in the yard they will have - my backyard is divided into two sections and one section is smaller than the other - maybe about 35 feet by 14 feet - and this will be their free ranging area when they are out of their pen/coop - lots of trees, should provide plenty of shade, I'm thinking - lots of under growth - well at least now there is - perhaps not after they munch on it!

Does anyone know if RIR and Barred Rocks get along OK? I was interested in the Orpington hens but I understand they get absolutely run over by RIR and Rocks as they are so much more docile - and I certainly don't want any of my hens being picked on.

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