Hi Hugh!

My BF is moving the fence for the chickens paddock as we speak. Their yard is very low and already pretty soupy so this will give them some fenced in, dry ground for post storm. As for if we get any hurricane or tropical storm winds,
. We'll anchor the coop down so it doesn't go flying through someone's house but i'm reasonably sure that the boards that it's sided with and the roof would be ripped off so no sense locking the chickens in there. I'll be monitoring the situation under the house. I'm pretty sure it doesn't flood in the middle part so that may be an option for the girls. Good thing about hurricanes is with the wind and rain coming in bands you can have little breaks to reassess stuff. I do have a large wooden crate that I use for art shows that I'm considering hauling inside and stuffing the girls into if it becomes necessary. The babies will be inside from the get go. I have eggs in the incubator that I'll be super sad if I lose along with the power.
I have eggs in the bator also and they are due to go into lockdown on Tuesday night. I went to Walmart and bought a power converter (invertor?)in the automotive dept. I just plug it into my cigarette lighter and then plug the bator into the converter if I have to.
I just want to wish everyone and their animals safety while this crazy hurricane Isaac hits. I think it will be a doozie !!
Im still surrounded by the floods with the last storms and all the rain we have had lately. Good luck everyone. Be safe. :]]
I have to say this storm is making me a bit nervous. I have been picking up the yard, removing potential missiles from the horse barn area and lecturing the chickens to hunker down during the storm. My new coop hasn't been through a wind storm yet. It's an open concept with a huge run. Depending on which way the wind is blowing they may get wet. My horses will be the way.
Off the the feed store for my usual Saturday buying. Anything extra I should buy for the storm?
My pens are open air as well. I am putting plastic on the sides of the prevailing winds. We'll see. I may move the seramas in the house...they are so small...and two handicapped birds will come in too.

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