
Deltona here! We've got a few acres and some birds. 4 Wheeler trails and such. Ahh, the good life!
Hi everyone!
I'm new here and just adopted a foundling chick. I'm in Lakeland and right now I only have a flock of 1. I know she needs a buddy so I'm on the lookout for a small, friendly bantam for her to pal around with. Betsy loves to perch on my hand and she is just the sweetest bird. Birds and I have never really gotten along but she (fingers crossed that she's a she or I can't keep her) is just precious!
Hello! I am down the road from you in Plant City!

Hi, Betsy's Mom! I'm in Bartow;
I don't have any bantams, but KellyHM has several different bantam breeds; she works in Lakeland and lives in Polk City. You can sent her a PM.
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Hi y'all,

I'm way down in SW florida near Naples. I'm in Golden Gate Estates supposedly the world's largest subdivision. I think it's about 200 square miles! I'm 25 miles from town, 8 to the nearest store and the street(hah! road) is posted 30 mph.

I have 9 EE bantams(what was I thinking?) and 1 each PR,RIR, and Buff Orpington pullets. After contending with Coyotes,Bobcats,skunks,hawks I am amazed I have any!
Good day all,

I guess I better check in here too. I'm south of Plant City. I have 9 New Hampshire Reds, and three bantams of unknown heritage.

The scary thing is that after driving a truck all around Florida for the last 30 years I know where just about of the "little places" mentioned here are.

I only got started in this after Easter last year because my son works at the TSC in Plant City and he called one day and said "hey dad, they've reduced the chicks we got in for Easter down to $1 each." It was really an accident that I got in to this but it has provided a lot of enjoyment.

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