
Hello, everyone.

I hope I'm not violating any of the rules of this forum.
I'm a public radio news producer based in Miami and I would like to connect with a few people who keep chickens in urban or residential settings in Miami-Dade, Broward or Palm Beach counties. I hope you'll invite me to visit you, see your chickens and record an interview.
This is for a radio feature that will be broadcast in the region some time in December.
I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have here in the forum or you can write to me at the following address:

rstone12 comcast net (and, of course, you fill in the blanks with the at sign and the dot).

Pardon the intrusion, please. And best regards to you all.

Rick Stone
HI I'm in Brandon Florida :) Looking For A "Pet Rooster" For My 5 Gals. They say Variety is the spice of life...each Gal has her own style... RRIR,BO,Ameri.,Austro.,SexLink! I've been Reading up & it seems Plymouth Rock would be the way to Go Or Brahama (sp?) to add a little Surprise! Aso I'd like one with a little spunk..my gals are just in their "teens" ! Hatched in October. His New Home will be a walk in coop complete with perches laying box & plenty of room to "scratch around". Open to any suggestions for a Rooster...would like one raised as a pet! Thanks GAP
Try posting on this thread https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/305793/florida-always-sunny-side-up there are many more Florida folks conversing actively there. I wish you success in your search!
I am another Floridian. Just starting out in the Chicken world. I am in Chuluota in central Florida, near Oviedo.
I am worried about how to make sure the chickens stay cool in our 92 to 95 degree heat here. I have been reading to provide shade, which I have and also plenty of water. How about ice in the water? Any other ideas would be appreaciated. I do have a very nice 12x12 new chicken coop with huge windows for plenty of air flow.
I think that as long as your birds have access to shade and have good air flow they shouldn't need anything extra. Chickens are descended from jungle birds, after all. Think about what all the wild birds do throughout the summer, they don't require ice in their water. It is crucial that they do have water at all times, it's important to be sure their founts are filled.

Just watch them and see how they do during the hottest times, if they seem to be ailing then you can bring fans or ice water or whatever. They will probably be lazing around in the deepest part of the shade, looking at you like you're crazy for moving around in the heat.
My chickens do have plenty of shade and always lots of water available. In the summer I give them watermelons occasionally, more for my amusement than to keep them cool, but they love it!
hello everyone.
I am in central Florida , Pasco County , city of Hudson. I had one silkie and lost him/her last Friday ... the lil thing must have got something in it's throat, I tried everything I could to save it but... couldn't. I love the silkie's they are a special breed. I caught the turkey when it was tiny and the silkie took full charge of her. It was amazing to watch how caring the silkie breed are. I plan to get more one day.. BTW, Sorry for your loss , Sueward.

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