"fluid" in air cell


10 Years
Aug 19, 2013
I have 4 duck eggs in the incubator on day 14. They're shipped eggs and all have saddle shaped air cells but I've noticed one in particular has an air bubble within the air cell. It looks like there's fluid in there.


This is a picture of the egg (from day 10) this is the shape of the air cell, although you can't see the air bubble/fluid.
They're being incubated upright and tilted 45° 3 times per day.

Can someone please give me some advice?

I'm worried the little guy will drown when he pips!

The humidity is kept between 40 & 45%
Thank you,

The others don't seem too bad but one has the air cell forming more on one side, I'm thinking of laying that one flat with the air cell up at lockdown.

This one will stay upright and I'll keep a close eye on malpositioned pipping! They're stressing me out already
Hi bubbleberry,
How did the hatch go with the duckling in the egg with the fluid in the air cell - did it make it? I have the same issue with one of the eggs I'm incubating as well and am very intersted to hear an update on how things turned out with yours.
I had 1 hatch out of 6. Unfortunately I think they were just put through too much when they were shipped.

The egg with the fluid didn't pip internally so I couldn't tell you how it was affected but I did make sure the fluid was away from the dipped side of the air cell by tilting the egg.

On the plus side, the duckling that hatched managed to do it all by itself and is very healthy, though I need to find her a friend asap. It started hatching on day 23 so I'm not sure what was going on with these eggs! Probably won't get shipped ones again.

Good luck with yours, I have done some reading around and other people have had success with similar eggs :)
Also from what I've read, Khaki Campbells are resilient little thngs! It may have been my incubation methods but I can't think of anything I may have done wrong, I'll try again soon. Some of the air cells were a real mess so I'm surprised I have the 1, she's lovely!
My goodness I'm sorry you had such a time with those eggs! Is your avitar pic the lone duckling that hatched? So precious! So far I have 7 developing out of 9 - pleasant surprise as I wasn't expecting that many to get going! But I know we can't be sure what we'll get out of them until they actually hatch. I keep reading and reading trying to soak up all the info I can about how to increase their chances as much as possible, but I know there's only so much that can be done. It's encouraging to know about the resiliency of khaki campbells, though!
7 or of 9 is a good start! There seems to be so much that can determine how well the eggs develop! With shipped eggs, a lot that is out of your control so you can only do your best now that you have them :) I read as much as possible on here and it's brilliant, don't think I would have got any ducklings without this site!

My Avatar was a duck from last year but here's a pic of the new one:


She had an easy hatch and is very healthy!
Well I am down to 6 now; that one with fluid in the air cell was looking more and more like there was no continued development and I am sure it was an early death. Plus the crazy misshapen fluid-y air cell was taking up practically half the egg at day 13 so I doubt the outlook could have been for that one anyway. I also have found this website to be incredibly helpful! Have you seen the post/article by "Pete" on hatching waterfowl?
I will refer to it every time now!

Your little lady there is sooo cute! :love

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