Flying Rollers

roll downs are bad. It means they don't quit rolling until they hit ground....not a good thing.

ah figured they were mistaking the term for regular "rolling." Not many people up here use that term.
Usually lines or strains of rollers roll similar distances.
They should kit, which is where they perform together as a group.
Rolldowns are when the roller looses control of the roll and stikes the ground, roof, tree or other object.
Some competition rollers can not be flown past 8 or 10 months old without a high risk of roll downs.
Rollers typically roll deeper as they age.
Young rollers, just starting to fly well, will start doing tail sets where they pause with their wings back, well before they start rolling.
When they get a little older they will start doing a few flips at a time and the distance they roll grows as they reach maturity.
Most will reach there peak rolling distance at 6 or 8 months.
A lot of people feed rollers a diet that is 50% wheat and 50% barley and keep the amount given per bird low to improve the depth and speed of the rolls.

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