Fodder for the girls

Thank you, that helps a lot. Any suggestions on where I can buy this seed, and what to ask for?
My local feed store sells wheat seeds in those gallon plastic 'milk jugs'. I started some just yesterday (after soaking all night), seems to be germinating well.
You can get them online at places like Amazon, too.

Some people get large 25-50# bags, but I just don't need that much with 4 chickens.
I am so interested in growing fodder for my birds. Not sure if I caught everything in reading these posts, so going to see if I understood everything.

Buy seed - wheat, barley, oat, etc.
Do not mix different varieties of seed together, as each soaks up different amounts of water.
Use (preferably flat bottom) trays with about 6" sides.
Need 2 trays for each pan of fodder. The 2nd tray is a drip tray that goes under the fodder tray.
Drill holes in fodder tray as indicate in post.
Soak seed overnight in bucket.
Pour seed into fodder tray with drip tray underneath.
Keep trays in a room with 70 degree temp and at least 35% humidity. Need some light.
Seed sprouts and matures into usable fodder in about 1 week.

Is this right? Is there something I missed? My only issue is where to grow it. Our shop is not heated and the utility room is very small and has no window. The only place I could think of is our nursery office.
Hi, yes those are the basics and not much more knowledge is needed. I'm not growing right now as the adult girls are free ranging. My brooder pen has 20 easter eggers , 5 barred rocks and 6 black cooper Marans ranging from 7- 10 weeks of age. They have nearly got the grass down to the roots as they are all pecking around now so I will start feeding them some fodder late July early August. Some of the pics you see in the post are from my test stages. My complete large system is tore down at the moment but I'll add photos when it goes back up. I'm making some minor changes after the first winter of growing as getting sunlight thru a window is much better for sprouting I found. If you go on eBay, search by seller, " sunmar" you will see a small user system that I started to sell on there because I was getting bombarded with requests for me to make systems. Please don't misunderstand as I'm not giving you that info to sell you one but rather it gives you a real good look at my growing systems design. My large system is essentially the same type but scaled up. The large white trays I have work great on my table in front of a extra large window but when stacked in the stand similar to the ebay version the trays lower than the window sill sprout and finish slower. One change I'm making is my trays will be changed to clear instead of white for better light transfer. Since I plan on doing this for many years now I have no real concern with investing in new clear trays. I also found 4 " sidewalks is fine versus the 6". If you want to private message me your email thru here I can send you the digital growing instructions that come with that eBay system. This will give you all the knowledge I have learned in a step by step process . Thanks
Oh this was such a great thread! I have recently acquired 2 hens and have fallen in love with them and was trying to think of a way to feed them fresh greens in the winter...voila! thank you so much for all this advice and the photos. As an avid gardener and one who usually digs up stuff from the garden putting them into pots each fall trying to extend their growing season, this whole thing sounds very simple compared to that. And with just 2 hens(for now: I'm really in love!) it shouldn't take up much space either. Now I have a plan.
Thank you so much for all of the valuable information. I plan to try growing fodder as soon as things settle down a little here at the nursery. Of course figuring out where to put the pans too. lol I will end up with 7-8 birds, so one pan could work. That will help a lot in finding space to keep it. You said you water it twice a day. What if you are gone for a day? Do you lose the whole batch or does it depend on what stage it's at?

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