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$100 billion for these cops in schools. One cop estimated that it would cost each school $80,000. Smaller government anyone?

That is a lot of money for an something that won't work, and only provides slight peace of mind. Even places that have had armed personnel, tragedies haven't been prevented.

Banks with guards still get robbed, gang warfare still happens with both sides armed, army bases still get shot up. One armed cop in a school with 2400 students isn't going to prevent anything.
Prove it... gun bans have already been proven to fail and a shooting at a school with no cops is like proving a negative. And truthfully are not gun laws that effect a fraction of the gun culture really nothing more than a feelgood law anyhow? You living in Texas should already know that

Furthermore, we should then remove guards from banks and maybe do away with the Secret Service. Somehow I think the president will not go along with that.

What we need is real solution on the ground and leadership which is exactly what Wayne Lapierre said regardless what anyone thinks of the NRA. They are experts on the gun culture politicians are not they only know being antigun is election unfreindly in most of America.
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You have some good points, but the same can be said for having less guns out there. It won't stop all of the shootings, but there would be less.

Also, I know that it is not the gun doing the killing, but the crazy, loon, using it. The problem is that I believe crazy, loons are attracted to guns, conspiracy theories, and seem to be antisocial and anti-government.

And now the truth comes out. Some friendly advice: while your attempt to associate supporting freedom and liking guns with being "antisocial" and being loony was clever, you need to work on the style. The SPLC has made it into an art, you should visit their site. You see, if you wish to subtly associate something that's not bad with something that is, you need to be less obvious about it. You need to find an antisocial loon or two (bonus points if they're racist or they've killed people), then cherry-pick from their beliefs and associate them with libertarianism or liking guns. The key phrase is "guilt by association." If you pull it off right, you can automatically associate "more than two guns" with "crazed serial killer." There's a trick to it, but you'll get the hang of it.
Not that I think anyone should be required to be armed, but I dont think they should be required not to.

Fact is that you can ban every gun an you will get nowhere.There are already more guns than people. Ad that to the fact that you can build an AK style gun with 2 peaces of pipe, a nail, some sheat metal an some basic hand tools. An a clip is just a box with a spring. The thing is that full auto is easy to make, semiautomatic takes more parts an skills. So if you ban ARs, there will be a new black market that will most likely be full of full auto AKs.. An thats not even getting in to what can be done with a $500 3D printer.
He and his family were gun collectors and all their guns were legal...

So if I were 17 years old and my father had a liquor business or LEGALLY bought it and there was liquor in my house it would LEGAL for me to have it in my possession? Hardly. Would you be calling for alcohol control if I (as a 17 year old) were drinking and killed a family of four. I doubt you would. There is laws already that are supposed to prevent that, underage drinking. But yet happens every day even with all the safeguards in place. I just find your thinking marred by emotion and/or extremely flawed. Sorry.

Where did you find that he was a gun collector and duly licensed? Post a link from the Conn. record bureau to support that claim. I find you post these facts that are not in evidence. Yes the guns were legally bought(by his mother) and perhaps not stored properly or this murderer had access to them or did so forcibly. So far I have not found any evidence the gun did anything wrong. So I suggest to you that you all the facts correct before posting and not pull things out of the thin air. Clearly this was a case of just bad parenting.
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6 guns does not equal a collector. I dont know may people that have so few. Burt Gummer, thats a gun collector.

Reb you are right about that. Heck I got about thirty guns and don't consider myself a collector barely even an enthusiast. Just have a gun for the different things I do. Of course the liberal media would consider that a cache' or stockpiling weapons.
Oh how we criticize what we don't understand.
We can place laws on who can own a gun and what kind of guns they can own but it will never stop a person from doing un-thinkable crimes, they have been going on since records have been kept not only involving guns. We in Michigan have a terrible disaster on records probably not known by many and it was carried out for the most part without guns.

The Bath School disaster is the name given to a series of violent events perpetrated by Andrew Kehoe in Bath Township, Michigan, on May 18, 1927, that killed 38 elementary school children, two teachers, and four other adults and injured at least 58 people. Kehoe first killed his wife, set off a major explosion in a school building, and committed suicide with a third explosion. Most of the victims were children in the second to sixth grades (7–14 years of age[1]) attending the Bath Consolidated School. Their deaths constitute the deadliest mass murder in a school in United States history.[2]
The 55 year old school board treasurer, Andrew Kehoe, was angry after being defeated in the Spring 1926 election for township clerk. He was thought to have planned his "murderous revenge" after that public defeat; he had a reputation for difficulty on the school board and in personal dealings. In addition, in June 1926 he was notified that his mortgage was going to be foreclosed. For much of the next year, a neighbor noticed Kehoe had stopped working on his farm and thought he might be planning suicide. During that period, Kehoe carried out steps in his plan to destroy the school and his farm by purchasing and hiding explosives.
Kehoe's wife was ill with tuberculosis, and he had stopped making mortgage payments; he was under pressure for foreclosure. Some time between May 16 and the morning of May 18, 1927, Kehoe murdered his wife by hitting her on the head. On the morning of May 18 about 8:45, he exploded incendiary devices in his house and farm buildings, setting them on fire and destroying them.
Almost simultaneously, an explosion devastated the north wing of the school building, killing many schoolchildren. Kehoe had used a timed detonator to ignite dynamite and hundreds of pounds of incendiary pyrotol, which he had secretly planted inside the school over the course of many months. As rescuers gathered at the school, Kehoe drove up, stopped, and used a rifle to detonate dynamite inside his shrapnel-filled truck, killing himself, theschool superintendent, and several others nearby, as well as injuring more bystanders. During rescue efforts at the school, searchers discovered an additional 500 pounds (230 kg) of unexploded dynamite and pyrotol connected to a timing device set for the same time as the first explosions; the material was hidden throughout the basement of the south wing. Kehoe had apparently intended to blow up and destroy the entire school.
I'm sorry Matthew, I don't understand what you mean. I am interested though. A little help please?
I meant it by having more health care when it comes to mental hospitals. Cheaper for people to go to them, maybe have a couple commercials put out there to make it be better to go to one. Also some cheaper therapists.
I light of resent tragedy's , let me say if there had been 1 Armed and Well Trained Patriot had Been in the Crowd both Stories would had ended MUCH better

your Friend
SSgt Paul Williamson
21st century with 21st century guns and problems...not at all the same.

I think you would be hard pressed to name a single incident of an armed civilian successfully defending a store or home with a needed armor piercing round.

I just came on here, so I haven't looked at the conversation between page 8 or so and here. I will address your comment as a stand-alone statement.

Kevlar is dramatically overrated. Will it stop anything up to a .44 magnum? Yes. You will still be in extreme pain and likely suffer broken ribs if you get shot. A round from a rifle will tear through Kevlar like a hot knife through butter. A shotgun won't penetrate, but it will lay you out flat if it's a powerful load (think buckshot or slugs).

I, personally, believe that armor-piercing handgun rounds are way overrated. Will they go through? Yes. However, they will usually do significantly less damage than a normal handgun round (I'm looking at you, 5.7X28mm), making them somewhat impractical for civilian use. I still don't see any real issue with access to such pistols and ammunition, however. Also, the 5.7mm does have very light recoil and extreme accuracy, making it a great option for those who can't stand heavier recoil. As far as criminal use goes, they normally try to avoid confrontation with police anyway, 5.7mm and other AP rounds are expensive and rare, and the guns that fire them are even more so.
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