Food & Water in Coop

We have a hanging 2-gallon waterer in the run and a pvc feeder which we can put pvc end caps on when there's a storm. I like to keep a small feeder and waterer in the coop too 24/7 - when I let them out a little late they can have water. Our run is covered, but just in wire, so we don't have the birds eating food issue. :)
Great photo! Your kids look very happy! What a beautiful coop/run!
Thank you! The run shown in previous post is a recent expansion.
I started with a 10 x 10 dog kennel for seven Pullets. 20190423_172927.jpg I expanded it to 10 x 20 then to its current size of 10 x 30.
They are so much happier, a lot less bickering.
Here is a pic of the feed and water in their coop, 20190430_090843.jpg , looking through the pop door. GC
We have a hanging 2-gallon waterer in the run and a pvc feeder which we can put pvc end caps on when there's a storm. I like to keep a small feeder and waterer in the coop too 24/7 - when I let them out a little late they can have water. Our run is covered, but just in wire, so we don't have the birds eating food issue. :)
Thanks for your ideas! It’s always great to see what everyone else is doing - it gives me good insight on what works and what doesn’t. Love your idea about the PVC with end caps! Thank you!
Thank you! The run shown in previous post is a recent expansion.
I started with a 10 x 10 dog kennel for seven Pullets.View attachment 1805751 I expanded it to 10 x 20 then to its current size of 10 x 30.
They are so much happier, a lot less bickering.
Here is a pic of the feed and water in their coop,View attachment 1805782, looking through the pop door. GC
Thank you for the photos. What do you use on the floor of your coop and run?

We got this idea from YouTube after suspicion of rodents coming around. We bought 4 buckets and lids from TSC. Hubby drilled a hole in the bottom of each bucket, inserted a 3/8" X 6" eye bolt. Washers, nuts and a small piece of PVC attached to the bottom of the eye bolt per the video we saw. The chickens peck at it and the eye bolt essentially acts as a toggle. It sways and allows a few pellets to fall to the ground. We also replaced the bucket handle with bolts, nuts and a 32" chain on each. We have found that each bucket holds half a bag of pellet feed. I'm sure you could improvise and do it however you wanted. We have had ZERO food waste, the wild birds are no longer an issue around the coops and no evidence of rodents.... fingers crossed of course
Thank you for the photos. What do you use on the floor of your coop and run?
I put down a couple inches of Pine shavings. 20181006_163124.jpg .
Then I toss Alfalfa hay/Orchard grass on top. 20190519_112137.jpg . 20190508_174712.jpg .
The chickens mix it up searching for feed spilled from feeder.
I remove it weekly and toss into pen. The chickens spread it out. 20181230_092729.jpg . GC
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