Food & Water in Coop


I put a Dutch door on my chicken coop.
The top half is on separate hinges from the bottom lower half.
That way I can put the food/water by the door and simply fill it without entering the coop.
The feed I store in metal trash cans by the door for easy filling.
I use 2 metal trash cans.
The first trash can is bigger and acts as a snow/rain protector(kinda like a storm door on a house).
The inner trash can holds the feed.
Additionally this prevents the cbickens from running out the door when I feed/water them.
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I put a Dutch door on my chicken coop.
The top half is on separate hinges from the bottom lower half.
That way I can put the food/water by the door and simply fill it without entering the coop.
The feed I store in metal trash cans by the door for easy filling.
I use 2 metal trash cans.
The first trash can is bigger and acts as a snow/rain protector(kinda like a storm door on a house).
The inner trash can holds the feed.
Additionally this prevents the cbickens from running out the door when I feed/water them.
I LOVE your Dutch door!
My run is covered, so I usually keep food in two Grandpa’s Feeders and (right now) water in a metal fount and have a nipple waterer. At the moment, there are six eight-day old chicks in with the flockers, so the feed is in rubber pans or in the chick feeder and there are two metal founts in the run. I’ve got the feeders and waterers spread out so Momma Goldie doesn’t get hinky and run everyone off. (The reason I took the food out of the Grandpa’s Feeders was because my smallest, most curious chick, got trapped under the lid when she hopped up and in while a big bird was eating. I just about had a heart attack when I couldn’t find her but heard her peeps from somewhere!)

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When the weather is horrible (I’m talking fourteen below and windy), I will move a feeder and waterer (with a heated base) inside the coop so they can chow down in relative comfort.
nice run and coop. :)
Where should you keep the food and water - in the coop or run? And why? I know this is a pretty basic question but I’m new to this.
I started 2 years ago with a 4x8 raised coop, and fed and water inside. As birds matured, I moved everything outside. In bad weather, I just slide the food under the coop. However, now I have a huge covered area (15x15). This is part of the larger yard area, but gated off to avoid moochers. I further separated a 4x15 area for roosting. Food is inside, and I have almost no more small bird moochers coming to eat. I have a simple water bucket I put near the outside fence so I can easily fill with a hose. When winter comes, I will move the bucket inside the covered area. In hard winter, I dump the bucket and bring it garage at night, then refill in morning with warm water.
I started 2 years ago with a 4x8 raised coop, and fed and water inside. As birds matured, I moved everything outside. In bad weather, I just slide the food under the coop. However, now I have a huge covered area (15x15). This is part of the larger yard area, but gated off to avoid moochers. I further separated a 4x15 area for roosting. Food is inside, and I have almost no more small bird moochers coming to eat. I have a simple water bucket I put near the outside fence so I can easily fill with a hose. When winter comes, I will move the bucket inside the covered area. In hard winter, I dump the bucket and bring it garage at night, then refill in morning with warm water.
Wow! Sounds like you have a great system! I’d love to see photos!

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