For laughs And stories


12 Years
Apr 15, 2007
I had a incubator with glass door in the fron and when my chicks started to hatch they peeped and my lab just loved it looking in to the window watching them hatch out and licking the glass to see if she could cuddle with them. wish i could post the pic of her stand at the door to the incubator will a chick watched

Tell me your stories
Before I even got the eggs, I had Harrison (fiveyearold brother) worked up about the chicks. He loved seeing the incubator finished, anjd on that monumental day where I got the eggs, my mom picked him up early from school. Now, I used to go to that school, and alot of the teachers knew me, and knew Harrison was my baby brother. So when all of the teachers were in the halls, he ran aruond yelling, MY SISTER'S HAVING BABIES! MY SISTER'S HAVING BABIES!!
(I'm fourteen) And my mom's running behind me, yelling BABY CHICKS! BABY CHICKS!!!

XP Well, I woke up at 3 am to find two eggs have pipped, and by 6, me, my little brother and my mom were huddled around the brooder, cheering the baby cheeper on. We was like, CHEEP! YOU CAN DO IT, LITTLE YELLOW BUGGER! CHEEP CHEEP!! 6 in the morn', when the earliest we usually get up is 7/7:30.

Last but not least, I went to Gaia and made a post titled 'Hot naked blond chicks (pics!)', and had piccys of the babies
One picture makes it look like my cat was IN the incubator with them, when he was standing on the plexiglass cover, and I got a million and three replies saying 'HOW COULD YOU?! YOU'RE GUNNA KILL THOSE CHICKIES!!' And I had to explain twenty times over, IT'S FRIGGEN PLEXIGLASS!!

Oh, and the other two main responces were 'They're so cute!' and 'Where's my p0rn!?'
I have both chickens and peacocks free ranging, with my big old barn to roost in. A number of years ago a peahen laid 2 eggs in the hayloft in an area that was soon going to be filled with new hay. Not wanting to waste the eggs, I put them under my pet hen (named Chicken)who had just gone broody but had no eggs under her. The eggs hatched and before Chicken was ready to leave her nest several of my other hens gathered around her, staring in shock as they heard the very UN-CHICK-like little whistling voices of the peachicks coming from under the new mother. My girl Chicken had no chicken friends, having had to spend a number of months in isolation to heal a nasty scalp wound. So I swear they were saying to each other "Well just who has she been fooling around with!! They put me in mind of a pair of gossiping ol' biddies.

Finch in Western NY

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