Forest Tent Caterpillars (Malacosoma disstria) : Safe to feed?


8 Years
Oct 18, 2015
Great White North
Good morning; Overnight tent caterpillars have appeared. Eeeewwww. I have my first flock of 8 day old chicks who all seem well and active. Is it safe/prudent to offer a few caterpillars to the chicks? I have 25 chicks so, at a guess for quantity perhaps a dozen or so of the disgusting caterpillars per day? Many thanks for any advice you have to offer.
Curious about this too. We have tent caterpillars EVERYWHERE. My girls are older (ranging 6-10 weeks) - any issues with caterpillars for some bonus protein?
My birds will not eat them. When I first put them in the run and saw them, they tried them then never ate them. Since then they ignore the caterpillars.
Thanks for the input, Sea2Ski. Blast; I was hoping the darn things would at least serve a useful purpose. Harvesting caterpillars is not something I am willing to undertake without a pretty certain happy outcome so I will let that go for now and carry on spraying the caterpillars with soapy water till they pupate. Ick.

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