Found this rooster living in the woods next to my house!!! Help I want to catch him!! Someone droppe

He is still there today, I got really close as he was almost eating out of my hand but is still a little sketchy, Does anyone know of a good way to catch him? I think he is scared, pretty sure someone dropped him off because they found out he was a rooster. I really want to keep him. Tried a fox trap but he wont go in there to get the bread, any other foods that might be "irresistible" to him that i could throw in there.. Here are a few better pictures i took just this morning of him.

I am still wondering his age if anyone has an idea. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you
strawberrirs, grapes, banana, watermelon, ect find that chickens really love those. try putting very small amounts leading into the trap (a trail of treats)
My chickens will stand on their heads for meal worms. A little trail leading to the trap with a nice pile inside should do the trick.

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