Fox attack


Easily distracted by Chickens
5 Years
Jun 3, 2016
Lewiston NY
So I just got back home from picking up some feed for my birds, And as i'm unloading the bags my guineas and chickens start going crazy! I run outside my barn and see a fox running with one of my Australorps in it's mouth. Now this fox has been coming almost every day now trying to get my birds, Just yesterday he got one of my white rocks and a call duck. So i run after this little bastard as fast as I could shouting at it to let go, and it did surprisingly. My poor girl is in total shock and can barely even stand without falling over, Amazingly there are No puncture wounds. just a bare back and most of her tail feathers missing. She's inside now where it's cooler but she's panting like crazy, Is there anything I can do to help the poor girl with shock?
I've had hens for seven years and the first predator attack I ever had was yesterday. I let my standard hens free range outdoors and while I was in the front yard I heard a scree from a Red-tailed Hawk. I ran back to see white feathers from my Cochin, Baby, everywhere. We found her a little ways away from the scene splayed on the ground in our garden and trembling. Miraculously, she wasn't injured but she was in shock and had the same wide-eyed expression and panting like your girl.

I brought her inside and made sure she was in a dry, quiet, and WARM location. Keep her separated until when she hopefully recovers. Wrapping her up in an old blanket also helps her contain her body heat. You should also give her electrolytes (either mixed from a packet or homemade) in water and don't feed her anything else. After the first half hour, I gave her some of the water with electrolytes via a dropper onto her beak. Continue to monitor your hen and if she doesn't improve over several hours if you have a vet it may be necessary to take her in.

I hope this helps. It worked for Baby and she's as good as new today. I hope that your girl feels better!
I've had hens for seven years and the first predator attack I ever had was yesterday. I let my standard hens free range outdoors and while I was in the front yard I heard a scree from a Red-tailed Hawk. I ran back to see white feathers from my Cochin, Baby, everywhere. We found her a little ways away from the scene splayed on the ground in our garden and trembling. Miraculously, she wasn't injured but she was in shock and had the same wide-eyed expression and panting like your girl.

I brought her inside and made sure she was in a dry, quiet, and WARM location. Keep her separated until when she hopefully recovers. Wrapping her up in an old blanket also helps her contain her body heat. You should also give her electrolytes (either mixed from a packet or homemade) in water and don't feed her anything else. After the first half hour, I gave her some of the water with electrolytes via a dropper onto her beak. Continue to monitor your hen and if she doesn't improve over several hours if you have a vet it may be necessary to take her in.

I hope this helps. It worked for Baby and she's as good as new today. I hope that your girl feels better!
All of my birds are free ranged as well, She's currently resting in my bathtub in a box with shaving in it, I gave her some sugar water and some scrambled eggs, She ate the eggs but still refuses to drink, I did try the dropper thing and it did work for a little bit.. Vet isn't an option though, If worse case i'll just put her down. I'll try wrapping her up in a towel..

Oh Jaimie that is awful that the fox did that to your Australorp! I sure hope you are able to get rid of the fox!
Definitely give your hen some cool water with electrolytes and put her in a dimly lit room so that she can calm down and feel safe.
Thanks.. :hugs She's in my bathroom with the lights off right now and I tried giving her some sugar water, Surprisingly I don't have any electrolytes! :he i'll have to go by tractor supply and pick some more up.. Fingers crossed she pulls through~
If you have a little betadine wash the puncture do not use hydrogen peroxide it cleans good and bad little neosporin without a pain killer .. give her tlc a couple days she will be alright
The only puncture I could find was on her tail, And it really wasn't deep at all. So I washed it and dabbed some iodine on it.. I've also got wound dressing if that's better?

Sorry, :hugs
Fortunately you were there and got the fox to let go. Unfortunately, the fox isn't going to go away. You have reached a point where some kind of intervention has to take place. The fox needs to go or your flock will not be safe.
Oh I know.. I've got a den of foxes somewhere, There were originally 3 but I shot 1. I haven't seen the second one but the 1st one keeps attacking right in the middle of the day when I least expect it :barnie I'm going to freak my neighbors out walking around with a rifle all the time.. I've been so paranoid because of these predators coming in and taking my animals, I've got way too many birds to keep locked up or in runs all the time too so that isn't really much of an option..
worst case Gatorade works but I think she may not need it and will be right as rain before too long now you will need to pickup some blue coat or blue lotion so the others will not pick at her until she has her feathers back

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