Foxes and chickens hawks, OK. but the neighors dog?!?! Come on, man!!!!!!

cajun chicken

Apr 6, 2015
Central City, LA
We had our first casualty today. The neighbors dog killed one of my barred rocks and almost got my Wellsummer. I wasn't home but the neighbor came over and told me when I got home that I was missing a chicken. The dog bit her when she pulled him off the hen that was still alive!!!! I hate to be this way but that was his one mulligan. Next time he gets #6 shot from the .870 pump.
We had our first casualty today. The neighbors dog killed one of my barred rocks and almost got my Wellsummer. I wasn't home but the neighbor came over and told me when I got home that I was missing a chicken. The dog bit her when she pulled him off the hen that was still alive!!!! I hate to be this way but that was his one mulligan. Next time he gets #6 shot from the .870 pump.
Sorry to hear it, if he knows they are there and he is loose... Not good.
Yeah I know. That scares me. I don't want to shoot someones pet but I think they might appreciate it lol. He is nothing but a headache for them. Always running away and causing trouble. I'll help em out !!! Lol
Maybe now that they're away of his propensity to kill other's chickens, they will keep him confined. In the meantime you can present them with a bill for the value of the hen he killed.
This comes up again and again, and here's the short of it:

If your neighbor's dog can get to your chickens, so can everyone else's (and every fox, coyote, stray dog, etc) within miles. This is going to happen over and over again unless you fix that. Address the actual problem, not the symptom.
This comes up again and again, and here's the short of it:

If your neighbor's dog can get to your chickens, so can everyone else's (and every fox, coyote, stray dog, etc) within miles. This is going to happen over and over again unless you fix that. Address the actual problem, not the symptom.

So what your saying is I should keep my chickens in their pen 24/7? Thats crazytalk my friend...
No, I'm saying you should either expect to lose birds every so often, or enact measures to protect your birds. In typical suburban settings fences are a good choice, in rural settings dogs work. Fences and dogs are better than one layer.

If you just deal with the neighbor, you're still going to lose birds.

EDIT: Also - your pen appears to be chicken wire - which is good for keeping chickens in, but not really good at keeping anything out.
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No, I'm saying you should either expect to lose birds every so often, or enact measures to protect your birds. In typical suburban settings fences are a good choice, in rural settings dogs work. Fences and dogs are better than one layer. 

If you just deal with the neighbor, you're still going to lose birds.

Yeah I agree. You're going to lose chickens if you let them free range in one way or the other. When I say neighbor, I don't mean a close neighbor. I live in a rural area where predators are to be expected. I also expect people to keep their dog off my property or the dog will be dealt with. Am I out of line ?

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