Free chick from McMurray

I finally got some pics uploaded........this is my little "extra exotic" chick. A cute little Dark Brahma roo. He still has no feathers showing out at all. All of the others have feathers showing, even ones smaller than him.

Some fuzzy butt cuteness!!!

One of the "extras" in my shipment. This is the little Dark Brahma roo baby. Well, Brahma at least. The MM website doesn't list them having some of the color variations that are out there, so Dark is the most likely for this guy. He looks like a really chunky guy already. But its just his fuzz, weighs in at 1.0 ounce.

My trio of Dark Cornish LF hens. They are already weighing in just slightly more than most of the other breeds. 1.2oz average this am.

2 White Laced Red Cornish hens. These also are weighing in slightly above the Wyandottes and Rocks.

Rediculous cuteness here!!!! Golden Polish hens......

White Wyandotte hens......doing pretty good this morning. Calm and not too sassy.

Columbian Wyandotte hens.....all doing very well.

2 of the Cornish X babies. Already up to 2 ounces on all but one this am. The hatchery threw in an extra one of these which I think probably had something to do with them all making it. These babies can put off some HEAT!!!!! And they do NOT like being in the box for weight time or pictures, hahaha!!!

I didn't get pictures of the White Plymouth Rock chicks, 3 of them. They are doing good though. A little too big for their britches though!! Already throwing their weight around

I didn't want to stress the Buff Plymouth Rocks by having them out for extra time, so I don't have a good pic of them. They are all still alive. But.....I am still not confident on the smallest one. They got some scrambled egg this am and have probiotics and electrolytes in their water. Last night when they were getting settled down to sleep and getting the last of their energy bursts out it was like a mini mosh pit in the brooder. A chick would run back and forth and then run towards the ones that were already getting ready to sleep and just jump right up into the middle. It was the funniest thing I had EVER seen in my life!!! Hilarious!

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