Free Range Breeds?


Spruce Creek Waterfowl
10 Years
Apr 20, 2009
Sandusky, Ohio
What breeds of ducks are safe to free range during the day. They can go anywhere around the yard or in the woods. I'm sure mallards can because they can fly, are there any more? Also, if they can fly....will they fly away?
I've free ranged all of my ducks ALL DAY!

Just make sure you don't have predators, and they'll be fine.

I've had all of the duck breeds in my signature, plus a black Indian runner and two Cayugas. Never lost one to a free-ranging incident.
My muscovies do well freeranging, and forage a lot. They are known for being good foragers. I have Pekins that forage very little and stay close to the pens. It might be different if you have a pond. My hen Muscovies fly well, but the drake is too big to fly. You could try to get small ones if you want some that fly. My pekins do not fly. That breed is too fat.

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