Free range chickens and patios - can they ever coexist?

A very close second reason(predators are the first) my birds are confined.

It helps to consider how poopy the alternative, a run, would be, and cleaning that would surely be worse
Not if your run is sized and bedded well...I never 'clean' the run.
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Lol pretty much the same, except the third reason was that I was building a garden and didn't want them eatting my tomatoes (now I give them the "not so good" ones). I have a coop and laaaarge large back yard, hens would sit on the back steps wondering where I was and the treats. My yard is a very nice rectangle, so I just built a straight fence in between where I wanted them to be in the back-back and the garden. I'm actually pretty lucky that my birds don't just jump over the fence since it's only 6'.
Hey all, for what it's worth, I've been keeping a gentle plant sprayer/mister near the back door. Anytime I walk by and see the chickens have set up shop again on the doormat, I give them a little spray and they take a hike. It's far from fool proof but they definitely are spending less time there and there's been a lot less poop on the patio. They're as social as ever with me still, so I don't think they're too put off.
I just let my dogs out and they gobble up the poo for me:sick
(No I don’t really encourage this behavior)
Tell me about it, ours scratch the wood chips out of the flower bed all over the place and poop everywhere. Every evening when they’re closed in I find myself sweeping up after them. They have a whole field to themselves but they love being where people are :)
As long as they’re happy.

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