Free range safety

I'm a dude, dude. Most of my birds run free at least as juveniles. I even have some roosting on my front porch which has been continuous for that family group for four years. A few others roost in trees in pasture with no buildings. If you have them roosting under a roof you are coddling them.

Sorry, I just find it funny when folks who haven't been on very long make assumptions about gender. Thanks, I needed a laugh after having a power struggle with ds14---roosters are so much easier than teenagers!

Sorry, I just find it funny when folks who haven't been on very long make assumptions about gender. Thanks, I needed a laugh after having a power struggle with ds14---roosters are so much easier than teenagers!

It was the first time I had indicate what my parts compliment was, ever. Normally being big, hairy with deep voice takes away the mystery.
Well, I can't see the hairy or hear the voice, but somehow I've just always known you were a guy. Got a kick out of you being called lady!
ugh! A first nice day in quite a while, knew I would be home shortly after school......... so I let them out today....... locked them up tonight, and guess I will be keeping the Delaware Rooster....... the Dominique is gone. DANG it....... I was thinking of eating the Delaware, and keeping the Dom.

Mrs K

Murphy's Law strikes again...
I don't mean to take sides here, but electro-net does work. Guaranteed. Not one loss, to a four legged predator, in two years. I am in predator central, next to mature hard wood, farm fields and natural water. After the local predators learn that they can't get an easy meal at your property you can let them out to have even more room, just vary the schedule, so they don't adapt. If you take a hit, then keep them in for a while and break the pattern. If you want your birds to be hard workers out on the range, then you have to put in some work as well, keep 'em moving, keep'em on fresh grass, and they will be healthy and happy.
I had to take time away from my knitting class but her it is.

It is a work in progress where upgrades will continue. Free-range keeping of American Dominique year round will be a tougher challenge than currently underway. I also plan to get sheep and goats primarily to manage pasture for chickens and that will involve another dog.

Take time to read some of my post on subject and look to see how I keep birds. Until then you will only look silly.

Im not interested in how you raise your birds, lady. I was giving my perspective to the person who inquired about keeping their chickens safe.. If you sleep better at night with electrified netting so be it.. Maybe not everybody wants electrified netting in their yard/field .. Maybe i like to sit in my chair and look out my front window and see my chickens walking by chasing bugs.. If yours are enclosed like farm animals thats fine, but i like to let mine out everyday, and thats not going to change because someone grumbles like a child on a forum

I'm a dude, dude. Most of my birds run free at least as juveniles. I even have some roosting on my front porch which has been continuous for that family group for four years. A few others roost in trees in pasture with no buildings. If you have them roosting under a roof you are coddling them.


Sorry, I just find it funny when folks who haven't been on very long make assumptions about gender. Thanks, I needed a laugh after having a power struggle with ds14---roosters are so much easier than teenagers!

It was the first time I had indicate what my parts compliment was, ever. Normally being big, hairy with deep voice takes away the mystery.

Mrs. centrarchid, you should link up your dog thread. ...

I had to take time away from my knitting class but her it is.

It is a work in progress where upgrades will continue. Free-range keeping of American Dominique year round will be a tougher challenge than currently underway. I also plan to get sheep and goats primarily to manage pasture for chickens and that will involve another dog.

I'll have to confess - this whole exchange cracked me up. Centrarchid - like donrae, I have always just figured you were a guy. Never imagined you as big, hairy and with a deep voice, but I definitely knew that you're no lady!
Even if I was a lady, I am not what you call lady-like. I am very scary indeed running three-quarters naked after a raccoon while carrying a flash lite and broom handle. That memory was jogged with gender mis-ID.
Even if I was a lady, I am not what you call lady-like. I am very scary indeed running three-quarters naked after a raccoon while carrying a flash lite and broom handle. That memory was jogged with gender mis-ID.

Honey and I say that's why no one will ever break into our house--we're both big, he's also hairy and we forego the pjs---being chased by one of us would scar a burglar for life!

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