

Apr 20, 2023
A feeding method designed to accommodate mixed flocks for all seasons and stages of development.

Observations will be recorded here as they happen for others to replicate or improve upon with the intention of achieving optimal health and longevity for our birds.

Day 1. The experiment begins
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What do you mean by free rein?
100% free ranging?
24/7 access to feed?
Unless you have feral flicks of chickens running around, it's unlikely your area has enough nutrition to support your modern domesticated birds.
Climate not being able to support year round bugs and grasses/weeds.
I assume Ital is the name because they live in Italy? The forum really should insist on a reasonable location on profiles, so folks know how to help.

I live in Central highlands of Argentina. Bugs in winter are not in short supply. In summer, I want to put my bed in the chicken coop, so the hens can keep the bugs from disturbing my sleep. Or maybe just move them into my house and pay them a salary as housekeepers.
@Brooks_ @nuthatched @Tired old Rooster the following should answer your questions..


1. That with the constant availability of enough variety of ingredients to choose between in individually separated auto fed containers, they will be more capable of adjusting their nutritional intake according to individual need than I would be.

2. That this could potentially result in lower feed consumption, less waste, and healthier birds that live longer and lay better tasting more nutritious eggs.

As far as I’m aware their ability to self regulate intake of anything other than calories and calcium has not been tested, so it’ll be interesting to find out either way.

The test subjects will be Italian coturnix roosting on the Welsh border with me and my two dogs.
Why would an area not be able to feed a flock?
Not enough food sources.
I assume Ital is the name because they live in Italy? The forum really should insist on a reasonable location on profiles, so folks know how to help.

I live in Central highlands of Argentina. Bugs in winter are not in short supply. In summer, I want to put my bed in the chicken coop, so the hens can keep the bugs from disturbing my sleep. Or maybe just move them into my house and pay them a salary as housekeepers.
We do, everyone gets an message to encourage putting in their location on sign up but most people ignore it

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