Free to good home- one large box!- Home found

I'm new to boxes, in fact I just picked one up at the auction. What am I supposed to feed it? Will it need a heat lamp? How long before it can go outside? When can I tell if its a girl box or a boy box? And if I buy your box and breed it to my box, what color will I get? Sorry for asking such stupid questions, but I'm new to boxes.
There was a Box. The box belonged to Mr. Cox. The Cox Box was down by the docks. The Cox Box on the docks was full of Glocks. The Cox Box on the Docks full of Glocks was going to be sent to the Flocks. The Flocks were going to open the Cox Box on the Docks that was full of Glocks. The Flocks were going to strap the Glocks to their little Hocks. The Jocks had tormented the Flocks, and now the Flocks were going to use the Glocks strapped to their Hocks to get their revenge. The leader of the Flocks was Mrs. Knox. Mrs. Knox knew the Jocks had their bikes secured with Locks. The Flocks used their Glocks to shoot the Jocks' Locks. The Jocks' mocks went silent when they saw the Flocks and their Glocks. The Flocks and Mrs. Knox filled the Box with the Jocks' bikes. "A Pox on Thee!" cried the Jocks as the Flocks and Mrs. Knox left with the Box. The Jocks threw Rocks at the Flocks and Mrs. Knox, but everybody knows Jocks' Rocks can't hit the Flocks and Mrs. Knox! The Jocks trudged back to their hang-out in their little Jocks' Socks while the Flocks and Mrs. Knox laughed with glee. The Flocks unstrapped their Glocks, got out their Woks, and fixed stir-fry to celebrate their trouncing of the Jocks. The End.
I'm new to boxes too. I'm having a problem with my box - it doesn't move around very much & is really quiet. Do you think it has boxitis? Gosh, I hope not! I hear that can be fatal. Maybe someone with more experience with boxes can help me.
I'm new to boxes too. I'm having a problem with my box - it doesn't move around very much & is really quiet. Do you think it has boxitis? Gosh, I hope not! I hear that can be fatal. Maybe someone with more experience with boxes can help me.

Did either of you even think to do ANY research before becoming box owners. I can't believe how irresponsible people are. There is a search function too. If you don't know anything about boxes learn BEFORE you get one!!!! Now these defenseless boxes are at risk.
I certainly hope that you did a full backround check on applicants for the box, made a fenced in yard mandantory, and refused any applicants with children under 10 or other boxes or crates.
In the future for reference, I run a box rescue and I take in fosters from all over the country. My boxes have their own rooms and are spoiled rotten while they wait for their forever homes. I screen potential adopters very well to the point where I turn down perfectly good homes on a weekly basis!
If you are in a crisis and need to place your box, please go to for more info or e-mail us directly at [email protected]

Have a good day and in the future please do more research on potential pets before bringing them home!
I'm so glad your box has finally found a home. If that new owner does not get along with her box I could offer a ox foster home for a short while. I have already fostered a few boxes that have gone on to bigger things (cargo storage). Let me know if everything works out. Good luck box and fare the well.

(the chair looks nice also)
Only if you can produce the necessary paperwork to prove that your box originated from a disease-free box farm, is healthy, has had all its shots, has not been exposed to any diseased boxes within the last twelve months and has recently been examined by a certified box inspector.

Also, you'll need to register your box with the state, receive a permit to own a box, have the coordinates of the box's home recorded, and inform the state that your box was removed from the property and for what purpose. It should go without saying that your box should be microchipped.

And always, ALWAYS, quarantine your boxes after you return from a show. It's just common sense.
Does anyone know where and when the next box show will be? How can one tell if a box is SQ or if it has disqualifying features?



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