Free to good home- one large box!- Home found

Why would you have proferred the box if you still were attached to it? Will you be getting more soon? If so, I'm willing to drive to halfway, especially if there's a Starbucks nearby!


One of my neighbor's boxes left cardboard all over my front lawn.
I hate ignorant people who don't tie up their darn boxes.

I can't believe there are 9 pages about this box! Would SOMEONE please put an end to that box's misery and give it a new home since the OP apparently can't handle it any longer.....
If your neighbor allows his/her boxes to come onto your property, that could be a serious problem. The boxes can attack your new Spring plantings, chickens, well, heck, maybe even you! There's nothing worse than hearing boxes flap around especially on windy days!

As I see it, you can:

a) Ignore the boxes and hope that your neighbor retrieves them (highly unlikely)

b) Rehome them without your neighbor's knowledge. If anyone comes knocking on your door, feign ignorance. "Wha?"

c) Get a boxcutter and make a neat incision so that each box stops reproducing. No flames please! Especially not around boxes!


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