French frogs

Spice is actually getting stronger... still having head control issues and vision is unknown currently, but she is still fighting... and now she is fighting the tubing even... I am extremely amazed at her spirit, I seriously don't know how she is doing it...

:yesss that's awesome. Go Spice!

Oh my gosh! And she can roost just fine!! Im so glad! And I had wondered if Eve would be able too! How old is she? weeks? Her foot looks huge is that just the close up? Does she walk with a limp?

She is less than a year. OEGB, so she's tiny. But yes, she walks and roosts just fine.

I'd cut back on the drakes before hormones kick in.... :/

X2 not a pretty sight. :hit
I'd cut back on the drakes before hormones kick in....
Not my ducks, my sister will do what ever she sees fit.
You should see a poult with an injured toe... it's like a little kid with a skinned knee, lol... see next post for duck update... ;)

Aww...they are so much cuter than I ever thought they would be! But that goes for anything with wings! I never would have dreamed in a million years I would love Im their slave!

Spice is actually getting stronger... still having head control issues and vision is unknown currently, but she is still fighting... and now she is fighting the tubing even... I am extremely amazed at her spirit, I seriously don't know how she is doing it...

Wow! Go Spice!! I'm so glad for you both!!
It's because you have given her the will to live. And she's got a little bit of John Wayne in her too!
Congratulations !!!!

Hey Oz! Your not the only one missing part of a digit! I accidentally amputated Eve's right little toe last night!! You know! Lol. One of my Ameraucana chicks. She's one I posted as my fave and made such a fuss about? I apparently amputated it off in the cage door.. She squealed and I released it right away having no idea I had just chopped off her freakin toe! See where all this chicken love gets us?!
I like it Oz!! What's the white hoop thing under the coop?

Not sure how much blowing rain you get, but you might put the feeders closer to the center? Or something on the side to block rain. I need to do that, as I have found if it blows hard enough, my feed has gotten a little moist, and its several feet in from the side.

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