friendliest breed of duck?

I have to say, one of my muscovies stands at my feet "talking" until I pick her up and carry her around for a few minutes. She never wiggles to get down. She appears to be perfectly happy being "cuddled" and kissed on the cheek.
I had a call duck pair, and they were as sweet as can be. My friend gave them to me as a birthday present, and they were about 6 years old. They had been together their whole life, so they didn't like being separated. If I ever had calls again, I would have a trio, because when the female died, the boy died from a broken heart. He was extremely depressed and a week later he passed away. So next time I will get a trio, so in case one dies there is still another one to keep it company.
Awww! That's just like Romeo and Juliet!
I was all set on getting Calls due to their size and the fact that they are friendly. However, I then learned they are next to impossible to hatch, and do not ship well through the mail. I have some Pekin eggs coming now that should be here any day! Pekins were originally my first choice until I found out that White Calls were about half the size. This is my first hatch so Im hoping all goes well!
Awww! That's just like Romeo and Juliet!

It was very sad. I walked in there in the morning to feed them, and she had died in her sleep. He was snuggled up to her and making sad quiet chirping noises. I ran over there seeing that they weren't acting right, and he looked at me, and when you looked into his eyes it made me cry because of how sad he was. I felt so horrible...even though there was nothing I could do. I just cuddled with him all the time, but he did eventually die from a broken heart. He didn't act the same and was depressed and I knew he would pass eventually.
ask and you shall receive!!!

Well, they aren't the best on leashes... lol



I wonder if I can start training mine!

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