Friendly, heat tolerant egg layer


Jun 9, 2018
West Hills, CA
I have a little chicken coup (3' x 3') open to a 9' x 14' run. I figure that might only fit about 2 chickens comfortably. The run is over grass/garden bed. I was interested in pretty good layers, but also ones that are friendly. I have two children 2 and 3 yrs old that love animals. The chickens don't have to love my kids, but ones that didn't attack them would be nice, and ones that wouldn't just run from them would be even better.

I saw some really nice looking bantam hens. I live in southern california, where it does get to 110 deg F on occasion. So I also want heat tolerant chickens. Any advice on breeds and where best to buy them? Do I order them online and order like 4 just in case 1-2 die during pullet rearing? Any thoughts? Is the local feed store the best place? I checked craigslist and don't see much there. Thanks a bunch.

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