Frustrated about coop prices


11 Years
Jul 1, 2008
Portland, Oregon
Hi all,

I'm about to rework my backyard setup - getting rid of two hens and adding my three junior pullets to the one adult hen I have left. My ugly DIY-from-scrap coop has got to go and I want something pretty in its place. My husband has his ideas for what he's going to build and I feel like 1) it's a little too simple, 2) he doesn't really have a whole lot of time to put into this, 3) since he's only a grudging chicken owner and coop-builder, I can't really ask him to up his game. After 3 coops and the both of us disagreeing for 7 years on how to keep chickens, this is my last shot at chicken coop satisfaction before we scrap the idea of keeping our own hens. He's not going to stand for being asked to build another coop after this one.

So I got the bright idea that to save him time, I should look on Craigslist for used coops. Nope. Everyone wants about $1000 for anything comparable in size to what I have now (which is admittedly ugly and crappy). I know I'm asking for the moon and stars, but I want something decent looking in the backyard, I want it to be at least 8'x10', and I don't want to pay over $400 for it.

So I then thought, "maybe I can find a kit?" Well, my initial search didn't go well. The prices for kits are barely cheaper than the prices for built coops, and again, while there are many pretty coop kits available, everything is way too small.

This year, I lost the battle for having free-range hens in the yard, so it's very important to me that they have a large run. The coop itself can be small, as long as it has a large, attached, predator-proof run. Again, this part is very important to me. I can't ask my girls to be confined and keep them in a tiny space, not after I know how happy free-ranging birds can be. But my husband, his mother, and my kids are not happy with chicken poo all over the yard. And I have to admit, having the dog track chicken poo into the house is so terrible that I really can't argue with the nay-sayers.

Do you guys have any recommendations for a very nice, very reasonably priced, very large coop kit? I could really use something great and pretty in my yard that was cheaply purchased.
Hi all,

I'm about to rework my backyard setup - getting rid of two hens and adding my three junior pullets to the one adult hen I have left. My ugly DIY-from-scrap coop has got to go and I want something pretty in its place. My husband has his ideas for what he's going to build and I feel like 1) it's a little too simple, 2) he doesn't really have a whole lot of time to put into this, 3) since he's only a grudging chicken owner and coop-builder, I can't really ask him to up his game. After 3 coops and the both of us disagreeing for 7 years on how to keep chickens, this is my last shot at chicken coop satisfaction before we scrap the idea of keeping our own hens. He's not going to stand for being asked to build another coop after this one.

So I got the bright idea that to save him time, I should look on Craigslist for used coops. Nope. Everyone wants about $1000 for anything comparable in size to what I have now (which is admittedly ugly and crappy). I know I'm asking for the moon and stars, but I want something decent looking in the backyard, I want it to be at least 8'x10', and I don't want to pay over $400 for it.

So I then thought, "maybe I can find a kit?" Well, my initial search didn't go well. The prices for kits are barely cheaper than the prices for built coops, and again, while there are many pretty coop kits available, everything is way too small.

This year, I lost the battle for having free-range hens in the yard, so it's very important to me that they have a large run. The coop itself can be small, as long as it has a large, attached, predator-proof run. Again, this part is very important to me. I can't ask my girls to be confined and keep them in a tiny space, not after I know how happy free-ranging birds can be. But my husband, his mother, and my kids are not happy with chicken poo all over the yard. And I have to admit, having the dog track chicken poo into the house is so terrible that I really can't argue with the nay-sayers.

Do you guys have any recommendations for a very nice, very reasonably priced, very large coop kit? I could really use something great and pretty in my yard that was cheaply purchased.

Go to a major hardware store and see if they have any sheds from last yrs. stock that is discontinued this yr. They Might give you a good deal . If you have no way to take it home call a car towing co. ask if they will deliver it for you on their flat bed . Never hurts to ask . I had a large dog run delivered buy the tow truck. It made a wonderful chicken coop. The guy thought I was nuts . But he did it for me.
Hi all,

I'm about to rework my backyard setup - getting rid of two hens and adding my three junior pullets to the one adult hen I have left. My ugly DIY-from-scrap coop has got to go and I want something pretty in its place. My husband has his ideas for what he's going to build and I feel like 1) it's a little too simple, 2) he doesn't really have a whole lot of time to put into this, 3) since he's only a grudging chicken owner and coop-builder, I can't really ask him to up his game. After 3 coops and the both of us disagreeing for 7 years on how to keep chickens, this is my last shot at chicken coop satisfaction before we scrap the idea of keeping our own hens. He's not going to stand for being asked to build another coop after this one.

So I got the bright idea that to save him time, I should look on Craigslist for used coops. Nope. Everyone wants about $1000 for anything comparable in size to what I have now (which is admittedly ugly and crappy). I know I'm asking for the moon and stars, but I want something decent looking in the backyard, I want it to be at least 8'x10', and I don't want to pay over $400 for it.

So I then thought, "maybe I can find a kit?" Well, my initial search didn't go well. The prices for kits are barely cheaper than the prices for built coops, and again, while there are many pretty coop kits available, everything is way too small.

This year, I lost the battle for having free-range hens in the yard, so it's very important to me that they have a large run. The coop itself can be small, as long as it has a large, attached, predator-proof run. Again, this part is very important to me. I can't ask my girls to be confined and keep them in a tiny space, not after I know how happy free-ranging birds can be. But my husband, his mother, and my kids are not happy with chicken poo all over the yard. And I have to admit, having the dog track chicken poo into the house is so terrible that I really can't argue with the nay-sayers.

Do you guys have any recommendations for a very nice, very reasonably priced, very large coop kit? I could really use something great and pretty in my yard that was cheaply purchased.
~~It would be pretty tough to find a well built 8x10 shed for under 400 bucks. If your existing coop is large enough and structurally good then you can add siding or exterior boards for a more polished look with new wood for under 400 bucks. It is possible to build a new coop with only the cost of your screws and hinges. There are many places that have piles of wood pallets that will give them away for free. Of course it is a lot of work to haul them home and then work the wood into a nice coop. For me personally it is far easier to pay for new treated wood and do a self build. I just got a big pile of quality wood from a friend that had their backyard deck torn down to build a pool. So.... it is possible to find free wood. You can certainly free range you chickens but they will need to have a fence perimeter. Consider fencing a portion of your yard to confine the birds from the dogs and from pooping everywhere. Fencing will cost money and that may eat into your 400 dollar budget. Good Luck!

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