Funny story to share: chick takes out my contact

mama of 4 girls

5 Years
Apr 27, 2014
We're new to chickens. I have eight 3 week old chicks. They've outgrown their homemade chick feeder, always tipping over their feeder and spilling the feed. Tonight, my husband made me a pvc style feeder. We put it into the brooder (a dog crate). I watched the chicks for a while while my husband went outside to continue working on the coop. Well, the chicks didn't seem to be finding the feed in the new feeder. It was tall and they have to reach their necks inside rather than get it off a tray in the floor like they are use to doing, so I decided to reach into the cage to show them how to get the food. I had to put my head into the cage up to my shoulders in order to reach the feeder. While doing this, my curious, friendly Australorps came over and began picking at some loose strands of my hair that had fallen out of my pony tail. I didn't mind and continued reaching in and showing the other birds the feeder when suddenly my vision blurred in my right eye. I pulled my head out of the cage. I couldn't believe it but thought that the chick pulled out my contact lens! I called my husband in the house. After he confirmed that the contact was definitely not in my eye, he helped me search the brooder and, sure enough, it was there on top of the wood chips unharmed. Of course, I threw it away. :) now I don't know of the contact saved me from getting my eye pecked out or if the bird was intentionally aiming for my contact, but I never felt a thing! What a story! Chicken removes my contact! Can anyone top this?
I'm glad your eye is okay and nothing more than a ruined contact. I have had my eye pecked and boy did it hurt. I am careful now when I am holding my girls and I wear glasses just in case. I am relatively new to chickens as well. I got my 6 red sex link hens 15 months ago when they were a couple of days old and have grown to love those little stinkers. Oh, and Welcome to BYC. You'll find a lot of information and very knowledgeable folks here.

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