future coop and run

Looks great!! When you say you are going to use cattle panels for the coop - are you talking about the 16' x 4 - 5' panels with the 4" openings?

Yes, these are what I'm going to use
The cattle panels have huge openings. No predator problems?
I ordered a 4'x100' roll of 1/2" mesh hardware cloth. It arrived today. I intend on covering the whole thing with it, although I sure do like the looks of Blooies lattice work!

I ordered the hardware cloth on Amazon, found it for $161, anywhere local was going to cost me at least $80 more, and with an order on amazon over $35, no shipping. I had the fedex guy drop it right where I need it for now, LOL
yeah aart if I had it to do over again, i'd cut the mesh one square bigger, but the siding is also over it. The siding cutouts are also going to double as shutters.

sorry y'all won't get to see the finished product. I'm not much of one for some of what I saw happen in another thread, so I won't be coming around much if at all from this point forward. And yeah, I hate to see goodbye speeches, LOL but it is what it is
I'm really sorry you had a bad experience on BYC - and we sure hate to lose your ideas and humor. Stuff happens in public forums and you can either unsubscribe from that thread or plop yourself down into the middle of the discussion. But we hate to see you leave BYC altogether over some real or perceived hostility. It's happened to me a couple of times, and I've even been the unknowing instigator. As soon as I realize that I'm at fault, I issue my public apology and then move on. And when it seems to me that a thread is getting personal or mean, I'm outta there. (Love that "unsubscribe" button.) But there is way too much valuable information on this forum to chuck the whole thing because of the behavior of a few.

Besides, I wanted to see your coop done! (Why don't we have a pouty face emotocon?)
Lookin' good! That great idea of the chalk line wrapped around the screws to give you a line for cutting is so doggone simple I had to call Ken in and kick him in the hiney for not doing that when we built! Sheesh!

Just for those who don't know, at least two of the big box stores, Lowes and Home Depot, also give a discount to military and retired military. We saved a good chunk of change asking for that, too!
Wow! I wish I had the space in my coop to do something like this.
@PapaChaz That's looking great! You can sure tell you put a lot of thought into it. We also put our chicks out before the coop was finished last year, and worked around them to get it all done.
I found that working on the coop while the chicken are in there helps them get used to you......
.......but ya got move a little slower and be careful where you put your tools down :gig

I agree, they get used to it. I've got an Angora rabbit that grew up with my chickens, and still stays with them. When he hears a hammer, he comes hopping to the sound!
Fantastic!! It looks really great, and it looks like the girls are going to be very comfortable and secure!

When it came time for us to decide how to close off the end, we also lucked out and found a piece of welded wire fencing. It's too big, and we just attached it square instead of trimming it to the shape of the arch, but I found that the corners where it extends past the arch make a great place to hang tools. Then too, we plan to take it off this spring, expand the run by one panel, then put it back up there. Since there are always slight variations when you add another odd shape (at least that's true of anything Ken and I manage to build!) we won't have to worry about fitting the end precisely.

Great job!

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