Game fowl enthusiasts: What's a fair price?


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 1, 2014
I have a small flock of game fowl I'm considering selling. The flock consists of 8 females and a male. Six of the pullets are at the point of lay and will get started as soon as the days get longer; one pullet is 3 months old; and the hen of the group is a year old. The rooster is a bantam game fowl (not sure if American or Old English). What is a reasonable asking price? I don't want to be cost prohibitive, but I also don't want to be giving them away. I've included a video so that those who are more knowledgeable about game fowl can see the birds in question.
This would all depend on what they're used for. A nice Game bird according to the standard and has been proven a good show bird might be sought after, ones that are dubbed also appeal, and hens seem to sell more. A pet quality bird I think should range from five dollars to twenty while show birds should start from twenty and match the quality that the bird fits.
I'd be selling them as pets rather than show birds. I traded them for some roosters that I hatched and I don't know their background. (The guy I got them from has a very "hands off" philosophy of chicken keeping. They sleep wherever, lay wherever, brood whenever. He just supplies calcium and water. He doesn't even know how many are living in the woods behind his house, lol.) Good advice! Thank you!

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