Gander unable to walk


5 Years
Mar 24, 2014
Southwestern Utah
Ok so I aquired a couple of geese about a week ago from someone who knew nothing about raising poultry. That being said they were all very underweight, the gander was the worst off of the group. About 3-4 days ago he started stumbling around and then quit walking altogether. I've gotten him semi separated from the others and have been trying to nurse him back to health. He seems quite feisty, eats and drinks like a champ. And also has been going to the bathroom without any problems. He just can't walk, I've been trying to help him stand and he will but not for long.
I guess my question is will he recover from this, does anyone know what is wrong with him? My guess would be malnutrition? He is getting plenty of fresh grass now and a combination of rolled corn/sweet feed, and he eats like a pig!
Any help would be appreciated!
Ok so I aquired a couple of geese about a week ago from someone who knew nothing about raising poultry. That being said they were all very underweight, the gander was the worst off of the group. About 3-4 days ago he started stumbling around and then quit walking altogether. I've gotten him semi separated from the others and have been trying to nurse him back to health. He seems quite feisty, eats and drinks like a champ. And also has been going to the bathroom without any problems. He just can't walk, I've been trying to help him stand and he will but not for long.
I guess my question is will he recover from this, does anyone know what is wrong with him? My guess would be malnutrition? He is getting plenty of fresh grass now and a combination of rolled corn/sweet feed, and he eats like a pig!
Any help would be appreciated!

I'm assuming he is not acting drunk, sometimes when a goose goes down it can't come back, other times they are fighters. Do you have a vet you can call or go to? I'm sure others will have better advice
You should put him in the water for a little while each day so he can move his muscles and get the weight off his weak legs, but watch him when you do so he doesn't drown (rare, but can happen if they are sick).
Thank you for the advice! I forgot to say I have been giving him supervised pool time, and no he doesn't act drunk...more weak than anything. And unfortunately the nearest vet is 60 miles away and I don't wanna stress him out anymore than I have to. He really tries to fight me when I have to pick him up to move him. He can sort of shuffle around and crawl I guess you could say. He barely moves his legs but uses his wings and beak to move forward.
Thank you for the advice! I forgot to say I have been giving him supervised pool time, and no he doesn't act drunk...more weak than anything. And unfortunately the nearest vet is 60 miles away and I don't wanna stress him out anymore than I have to. He really tries to fight me when I have to pick him up to move him. He can sort of shuffle around and crawl I guess you could say. He barely moves his legs but uses his wings and beak to move forward.
@WildWestChick Sounds like he has a nutritional deficiency first thing that came to mind is Rickets do you know how old he is could be from a gosling on he didn't get a good amount of B3[niacin] and he has leg problems because if it. getting him on a good vitamin with all the B's in it would be a good start. I don't think rolled corn which hasn't much nutritional value or sweet feed is going to help much he needs a feed formulated for water fowl[poultry] like Purina Flock Raiser or Mazuri Water fowl feed. If you get Purina FR I would still go with Nutritional yeast or Brewers yeast just for the extra boost of B's until he is strong on his feet again. And if you find Mazuri water fowl feed I think until he is on his feet and strong I would supplement with a poultry vitamin like Poultry Nutri drench in his water. I think since you say he is eating and drinking like a champ he has a strong chance of getting over this, may never be as strong as one that had adequate diet from beginning but probably still will have a good life. If you can get Poultry Nutric Drench I would get him started on it asap. and a good diet.of fresh grass and good feed. Bless you for taking them on an caring for them. Water therapy is a great way of getting strength back into legs and body too.
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I have a young gander who couldn't walk for over a month. He would get up walk a few feet, lay down, get up, lay down. I gave him packets of save a chick electrolytes in his water, he can walk fine now
Thank you for your help everyone! I started adding niacin to his water the other day and last night he started walking again! He has been keeping up with the other geese just fine today! He is an adult, I think he was just malnourished cause he has started putting on some weight too! Yay!

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