

8 Years
Nov 13, 2011
My chickens all seem to be gaping. I have one hen who has done it since I got her three years ago and I didn't think anything of it. I figured it was some kind of habit but now it seems that more and more of my chickens are doing it. What could it be? At first I suspected gape worm but I read that that usually kills the chicken after a week. But I've had all my chickens for years.

One hen in my flock was near death and we brought her to the vet and he said she had canker. So we fixed that up and treated the whole flock with medicine to kill it. But they still gape. Is there anything I can give them? I just treated them with wazine this morning because one of the hens has runny green stool. I know wazine won't kill gapeworm.

Thanks for any help, I'm heading to the feed store today so I can buy whatever I need.

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