i have no idea what fire ants eat, just know they are one nasty little bugger, if you disturb their ant hill they will swarm out and sting anything thats close to the hill, been stung quiet a few times growing up in florida, the next day after you get strung you get a little yellow bump where they strung you where the infection starts, my father got strung once and got blood poisoning did i mention that the sting mark also itches like fire? little but powerful little critters
Bob, those roses are beautiful... Every year for the last 38 years I've given DW a yellow rose for each year... Too many more anniversaries and I might have to take out a second mortgage... It took years to develop my roses in VA.... First thing the new owner did was dig them up... I haven't started here in TN yet but will soon...
I mix up a home made solution with Borax, sugar and water, boiled into a syrup. Much cheaper than the Terro. No fire ants here. If you use Borax as a dust in the plant pot beware, a very little Borax can be toxic to the soil, and the plants growing in it. Boron is a trace element, and like all trace elements, too much can cause disastrous results to the plants.
I mix up a home made solution with Borax, sugar and water, boiled into a syrup. Much cheaper than the Terro. No fire ants here. If you use Borax as a dust in the plant pot beware, a very little Borax can be toxic to the soil, and the plants growing in it. Boron is a trace element, and like all trace elements, too much can cause disastrous results to the plants.
never to old to learn something new, thanks
I mix up a home made solution with Borax, sugar and water, boiled into a syrup. Much cheaper than the Terro. No fire ants here. If you use Borax as a dust in the plant pot beware, a very little Borax can be toxic to the soil, and the plants growing in it. Boron is a trace element, and like all trace elements, too much can cause disastrous results to the plants.
LG,,,, Write that up in the Homemade VS Store bought thread for others to read. You basically are making Terro at home at minimal cost. :thumbsup
thank goodness for a good hubby, he covered the blueberries for me, have some already getting ripe and the birds loves even the green ones, i wasn't much help, i'm only 5'4 and could't reach to tie the nets together, also good thing 6'1 son came home, he helped too, husband is the only one that really likes blueberries so i always try to make him a couple of cobblers, i also wash a few for his cereal
finally eating lettuce from the garden, now if the rest of the garden would come on would die a happy person:lol:
Took me all dang afternoon to plant flowers around 3 sides of the run. This getting old crap is for the proverbial birds! I feel like a truck ran me over...twice...

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