Gas dip for scaly leg mites on feathered feet

To be clear, the gas dip treatment is not "mine," it is recommended, suggested and proven effective by Dr. Michael Darre, Poultry Professor of 30+ years at the University of Connecticut and the Cooperative Extension Service Specialist for the US Department of Agriculture. This isn't some crazy blogger nonsense made up in someone's culinary herb garden. It is safe and effective.
I did this today. I'm hoping the 3 days and 2 has treatments will do the trick! She didn't seem to mind the dip but she wasn't crazy about the ointment. Lol
To be clear, the gas dip treatment is not "mine," it is recommended, suggested and proven effective by Dr. Michael Darre, Poultry Professor of 30+ years at the University of Connecticut and the Cooperative Extension Service Specialist for the US Department of Agriculture. This isn't some crazy blogger nonsense made up in someone's culinary herb garden. It is safe and effective.
I just used it and it appears to be helpful. It's day 4 and I am switching from A&D ointment to plain petroleum. A&D is terribly stinky.
I just used it and it appears to be helpful. It's day 4 and I am switching from A&D ointment to plain petroleum. A&D is terribly stinky.
Same boat 2 using A&D since I couldn't find my Vaseline tub I keep. I don't think it's terrible-just reminds me of changing diapers. I like the combination of oils and waxes (oil for penetration under the scales, wax for a long lasting barrier. I just wish it had some lanolin in the mix. I think it is a great all-around for softening, penetration, and a lasting water-resistant barrier.
*I am doing the gasoline dip/A&D/gasoline dip method. (Not eating this tiny banty's eggs.)
I think you're smart to question the safety of any advice you receive online as much of what's available is churned out by individuals that have not done their due diligence with regard to research and don't consult with veterinarians, poultry nutritionists or poultry PhDs as I do. You can feel confident that this treatment is safe and effective and that your bird will be mite-free by day 3. Other methods cannot make that claim and your bird will continue to suffer from the infestation as the suggested treatments with oil, etc. are not capable of killing the nits. The nits will hatch and the cycle will continue with the treatments that sound more pleasant than gasoline.
How long do you dip their feet in the gas?

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