Geese Breed Focus - Sebastopol

I have Sebies, 3 females and a gander. Jeffrey my gander is curly breasted and so beautiful! The ladies are smooth breasted and they do whatever Jeffrey tells them to. We let them free range during the day, and they go to pen at night. We had originally planned for the geese to live on the pond, but they don't care about it. They stay in the back yard all day. When Jefferey wants me to come outside he knocks on the door with his beak. He bonded with me as a gosling and still wants me around him as much as possible. My sebies don't know they are geese, they think they are human!
I have Sebies, 3 females and a gander. Jeffrey my gander is curly breasted and so beautiful! The ladies are smooth breasted and they do whatever Jeffrey tells them to. We let them free range during the day, and they go to pen at night. We had originally planned for the geese to live on the pond, but they don't care about it. They stay in the back yard all day. When Jefferey wants me to come outside he knocks on the door with his beak. He bonded with me as a gosling and still wants me around him as much as possible. My sebies don't know they are geese, they think they are human!
@kimmee12 Welcome to BYC lovely geese will they be giving you goslings this year?
I am betting more will come and looks like Jeffery is being Mr. Protector too.

Oh yes he's very loud and hisses if we come near his ladies, but honestly none of them are mean it's all for show! He will get a bite in on my dog tho, they like to play together!
Oh yes he's very loud and hisses if we come near his ladies, but honestly none of them are mean it's all for show! He will get a bite in on my dog tho, they like to play together!
My gander was not playing this morning when he bit my dads old dog she turned and showed him her teeth I was very surprised but I don't blame her at all. My Embden gander bites me every chance he gets. Stinker. My dogs are not allowed out with the geese with out supervision my geese are bullies.
I got a video, I was so excited! I'm not sure if I should try and incubate the eggs or see if she will sit on them.
Hello...we actually have two pairs of Sebies. First I can say the are great farm watch dogs..nothing gets by them without a quartet raucous. Lol Ours are free range and are perfectly happy just roaming around the farm yet calm enough to wrangle anywhere you need to put them. Care and feed wise 80 to 85% of their diet is grazing with a little chicken feed thrown in here and there as a treat so feeding care is relatively easy. As for staying clean...if you give them a small pool with clean water they are meticulous about their cleanliness. I adore their baby blue eyes!!! Another plus is because of their white coloring chicks can be sewed quite easily by the color of their fluff so it is wise to band them early. I have a goose setting 6 ( at last count eggs) so hoping to be an auntie again in a few weeks.

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