
You do know that geese have nicknames and not just one name don't you?! Coz it sounds like you dont know
Asked a simple question about nicknames.....what are specks...wavies..laughing geese..dry-nosed goose...Indian goose....Eagle head....wart-nosed goose.....honkers (should be very easy)...goose nicknames.....give me the Genus and Species names so I know what you are really talking about ...


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Grey ducks where did that come out of we were on about geese werent we?!? And are you talking to me coz it dounfs like you got it all messed of what you are trying to say to me
I´m crying!
Hahaha 2 points and yea no one knows it all i am wrong with many things about geese but who cares ! Clinty
(but i still have those 2 points :D )
For anyone who wants to have a pop at the way people speak a second language, I can tell you that speaking a foreign language can be an amusing experience. I´ve learned French and Portuguese, but I say things wrong sometimes and get my friends laughing.
I have a Belgian friend here in Brazil whose mother tongue is Flemmish! He also speaks dutch, german, french and English (not perfectly) and is now trying to learn Portuguese. He says some funny things in English..... In portuguese, "finger" and "toe" is the same, so when a Brazilian tells you her shoes are rubbing her fingers, you wonder for a bit.....
Serv, sometimes you say funny things, makes me laugh for one, but well don´t do at all badly! And you have some interesting observations.

His earlier posts came across masculine?
Seriously, Serv reminds me of an old and dear friend of mine from the Netherlands (who can also be a chatty Cathy). My friend speaks English better than he writes and he also gets me giggling at how he translates words. When I saw Serv's pink-toed comment and googled... pink-footed geese from the Netherlands came up in results, so I assumed Serv meant pink-footed and it was a translation thing.

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