
I was born here (in Moscow), and don`t know any another weather )) Only one time i was in Germany in one house of any german farmer, but i was there, hmmm, i don`t remember, 15 year ago (i was very young). Another times i never travel again, only was in some towns in the Rusia. This temperature are normal for me, sometimes when i go to my chiken-houses (where live my geeses, chickens, ducks...) i don`t wear warm clothes, wear only the shoes and go (i am too lazy for wear it every time when i need to feed my fowl).
But when we begin to have more as +25 C i feel me bad, i can`t work well under the sun, i don`t like when the weather are too warm ))) When i work under the sun i use a hat with feathers, my neighbours laugh because nobody here use a feathers for decorate a hats, but this is not imortant for me. If i always have a feathers, of course my hat will be decorated

In the winter i used for my fowl the stoves, for example my chikens had always +15 C in the room. Only the geese had a frost in geese`s room, but i changed a water (any people tell that the geese cat eat the snow, but i don`t do that - i bring the water every day), and feed my goose well.

I have only one problem: i wait when the snow melts, becaurse i want to take all dirty grass (old litter) from the rooms of my fowl and bring it to my little field (and to clean the floors, and bring new litter to this rooms, now i can only put it on top, on dirty litter). In the autumn i leaved some old dirty litter in the fields, but now i don`t remember, where i did that, and where not (everywhere are the snow and i can`t see). I use an old litter where slept my fowl in the fields before to plant corn, potatoes and another plants.

When the snow will melt, i will have much work ))) And then i will buy new fowl too (i have my incubator, but it are too small, i need more fowl. I am greedy
Pasha Ithink i asked you this before but are your flock for food? I know you said you ate most of your turkeys, but do you eat your geese and ducks too? just curious if yours are pets, alot of us in the USA only have our birds for pets.
That's a good point livininbrazil but it would would have to be 5 generations back for both parents I hatched all my geese for the last 5 years but there parents could have had dewlaps
Pasha Ithink i asked you this before but are your flock for food? I know you said you ate most of your turkeys, but do you eat your geese and ducks too? just curious if yours are pets, alot of us in the USA only have our birds for pets.
Yes, all my fowl can be eated, but i eat not all, for example i had 18 geese, but i had more "boys" as "girls". I choosed one "boy" and eated it (if i will have too much "boys" the girls will have some problems, because the boys always "love" the girls, they begin to be very dirty and tortured). Now i have 17 geese, they live in my garden (and don`t return to the room, the door are opened, but they walk in the garden, there are snow and old yellow grass, only in one place are green grass, but it are very little).

My plan are to have in the future 200-300 fowl and i will always have any meat for my kitchen and eggs for traiding (i sell the eggs). Last time i eated: one duck-boy (because i had more boys as girls), one goose-boy (the same reason), two chikens (they was ill), and much turkeys (there was only boys, i hoped to get some pairs, or maybe 1 boy width 2-3 girls, but i get only boys, boys... Only next time i understood that one was a girl, but it was too late - in my kitchen yet).

My fowl walk everywhere in my garden, they are very funny, but sometimes i need to eat anybody (i am not vegetarian). It will be too difficult for me - to have 200-300 fowl (i have now near of 50, to have 300 is my dream) as a pets and to buy the meat in the shop. Of course i can use 5-7 fowl as a pets, but i think that this is not interesting (it will be better to have 200-300 fowl). I don`t know what is this - hobby or work, my farm are too little and i can`t tell that this is a serious job, but this is not a hobby too (too much for little hobby). I don`t know why (the people in the Rusia can have 5-10 fowl for the kitchen, and they tell that is enogh), but i want more and more and more... My little incubator are full of the eggs, and i collect the money for new incubators, brooders, houses, and young fowl too, i want quail, turkey, ostriches (i read that if i will have a good rooms width the heating the ostriches will can live here. Near of the Moscow are one farm where i can buy it, but not now - the price are to expensive for me now). I don`t eat too much, but i understand now that i will have more fowl as i will can to eat some years. But i like that, i like when everywhere are the geese, ducks and chikens, they are very lovely.

But i do the work of the butcher (i don`t ask any another butcher), this is normal for me. I think after some years i will me a best butcher here. First time this work was terrible, but now i do this very fast i like this job too. I know - today i kill one goose, but in my incubator are much eggs yet, and i kill one for have 5 or 10 new (if i will not buy meat in the shop i will can use this money for buy new incubators). Of course in the future i will sell the meat of my fowl too (now i sell only eggs), but i will have enough money for get more earth and then i will can have more fowl ))) Maybe i am really crazy, but i really love my new job. Here in the Rusia not all my friends can understand me - i was a good specialist in another job, but after 7 years of work i leaved it and begin to live as a farmer - geese, ducks, garden, field...

Here in my village some neighbours have some chikens as a pets (they eat only eggs), but they have 2-3 chikens and no more. This is not interesting for me ))) Of course i hope to get all this "market" for sell young fowl as a pets too ))) I need only some time for realize all my plans
I was born here (in Moscow), and don`t know any another weather )) Only one time i was in Germany in one house of any german farmer, but i was there, hmmm, i don`t remember, 15 year ago (i was very young). Another times i never travel again, only was in some towns in the Rusia. This temperature are normal for me, sometimes when i go to my chiken-houses (where live my geeses, chickens, ducks...) i don`t wear warm clothes, wear only the shoes and go (i am too lazy for wear it every time when i need to feed my fowl).
But when we begin to have more as +25 C i feel me bad, i can`t work well under the sun, i don`t like when the weather are too warm ))) When i work under the sun i use a hat with feathers, my neighbours laugh because nobody here use a feathers for decorate a hats, but this is not imortant for me. If i always have a feathers, of course my hat will be decorated

In the winter i used for my fowl the stoves, for example my chikens had always +15 C in the room. Only the geese had a frost in geese`s room, but i changed a water (any people tell that the geese cat eat the snow, but i don`t do that - i bring the water every day), and feed my goose well.

I have only one problem: i wait when the snow melts, becaurse i want to take all dirty grass (old litter) from the rooms of my fowl and bring it to my little field (and to clean the floors, and bring new litter to this rooms, now i can only put it on top, on dirty litter). In the autumn i leaved some old dirty litter in the fields, but now i don`t remember, where i did that, and where not (everywhere are the snow and i can`t see). I use an old litter where slept my fowl in the fields before to plant corn, potatoes and another plants.

When the snow will melt, i will have much work ))) And then i will buy new fowl too (i have my incubator, but it are too small, i need more fowl. I am greedy
Haha Pasha, I don´t know about do seem to be addicted, like most of us!
So funny about 25ºC being hot...that´s the temprature it gets to here in the day-time during winter! And when it´s 15ºC people here say it´s freezing! We laugh at that, as England´s a lot colder, but nothing in comparison to Russia...I have some friends who lived there for a while. brrrrrrr :)
Yes, all my fowl can be eated, but i eat not all, for example i had 18 geese, but i had more "boys" as "girls". I choosed one "boy" and eated it (if i will have too much "boys" the girls will have some problems, because the boys always "love" the girls, they begin to be very dirty and tortured). Now i have 17 geese, they live in my garden (and don`t return to the room, the door are opened, but they walk in the garden, there are snow and old yellow grass, only in one place are green grass, but it are very little).

My plan are to have in the future 200-300 fowl and i will always have any meat for my kitchen and eggs for traiding (i sell the eggs). Last time i eated: one duck-boy (because i had more boys as girls), one goose-boy (the same reason), two chikens (they was ill), and much turkeys (there was only boys, i hoped to get some pairs, or maybe 1 boy width 2-3 girls, but i get only boys, boys... Only next time i understood that one was a girl, but it was too late - in my kitchen yet).

My fowl walk everywhere in my garden, they are very funny, but sometimes i need to eat anybody (i am not vegetarian). It will be too difficult for me - to have 200-300 fowl (i have now near of 50, to have 300 is my dream) as a pets and to buy the meat in the shop. Of course i can use 5-7 fowl as a pets, but i think that this is not interesting (it will be better to have 200-300 fowl). I don`t know what is this - hobby or work, my farm are too little and i can`t tell that this is a serious job, but this is not a hobby too (too much for little hobby). I don`t know why (the people in the Rusia can have 5-10 fowl for the kitchen, and they tell that is enogh), but i want more and more and more... My little incubator are full of the eggs, and i collect the money for new incubators, brooders, houses, and young fowl too, i want quail, turkey, ostriches (i read that if i will have a good rooms width the heating the ostriches will can live here. Near of the Moscow are one farm where i can buy it, but not now - the price are to expensive for me now). I don`t eat too much, but i understand now that i will have more fowl as i will can to eat some years. But i like that, i like when everywhere are the geese, ducks and chikens, they are very lovely.

But i do the work of the butcher (i don`t ask any another butcher), this is normal for me. I think after some years i will me a best butcher here. First time this work was terrible, but now i do this very fast i like this job too. I know - today i kill one goose, but in my incubator are much eggs yet, and i kill one for have 5 or 10 new (if i will not buy meat in the shop i will can use this money for buy new incubators). Of course in the future i will sell the meat of my fowl too (now i sell only eggs), but i will have enough money for get more earth and then i will can have more fowl ))) Maybe i am really crazy, but i really love my new job. Here in the Rusia not all my friends can understand me - i was a good specialist in another job, but after 7 years of work i leaved it and begin to live as a farmer - geese, ducks, garden, field...

Here in my village some neighbours have some chikens as a pets (they eat only eggs), but they have 2-3 chikens and no more. This is not interesting for me ))) Of course i hope to get all this "market" for sell young fowl as a pets too ))) I need only some time for realize all my plans
Well, even if your neighbours don´t understand you, we all do...we have the same bug! :)
And working with nature is always so enjoyable, too. I love my birds, and my hubby loves his trees and plants. My son loves his x-box and the fact that if he looks out the window, he can see the countryside!!
Well, even if your neighbours don´t understand you, we all do...we have the same bug! :)
And working with nature is always so enjoyable, too. I love my birds, and my hubby loves his trees and plants. My son loves his x-box and the fact that if he looks out the window, he can see the countryside!!
No, neighbours often have some chiken (more as a pets), only in my old jobs the people can`t understand. In the last time i was a system administrator, had some offices where was computers in every office, and the servers (i worked 3 years in one place where i only help to my boss - system administrator), and 4 years i was alone in another place. I received 4 offices where was 11 (in one), 20 (in another office), 37 (in central office) and 15. After 2 years of work i get more offices - 25, 7, 11 and 60 computers. After some months i get more offices - 60, 15, 14, 30, 4 computers. And the bosses of another offices (we have 67 offices) begin to ask me. After 4 years of this work i begin to understand - i don`t have any girlfriend, don`t have any vacations 4 years, and 7 days on the week i be in my job. After some time i begin to be there and nights too... Of course i had some people who was under my control, but they was lazy and i worked more time alone, as width anybody.

And i runned from this work ))) I go to Macdonalds where i eated sometimes and asked a manager to take me. First time i washed a floor, fried the potato, sell the cheesburgers and was happy 2 months. But... The manager meet my past boss... I don`t understand how but last time i was in "money-room", i worked width the money, don`t fied the potato, only sit in this room... width computer! Again, again the computer! After 6 months of work i leaved the Macdonalds. The boss tell me that i will be a manager after one-two months, but i answered "no". He really can`t understand - i get more money as my friends in Macdonalds, they wash a floors, i sit width the computer (have a "clean" job and good money), but i run...

Now i live width my geeses, chikens, and if anybody ask me again why i work as a butcher, why i don`t return to the computers, i begin to be very angry and swear. But of course i used my past knowlenge - build here in this village a net, and my neighbours are connected to the Internet. But this is all what i will do width the computers, i will never return to the offices again
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