
I have a similar goose, and was told she is a Grey Goose. (this was confirmed in my poultry book as well) Do you just have the one? I am looking for a partner for mine, as I think she wold be happier having a goose mate. She lives with our chickens now...
Hi, do you still have the goose? I use to raise geese years ago. Just one question myself.... how do you have a Canada goose (not legal usually to posses one without DNR approval in your state)? They eat green stuff... like grass and submerged aquatic vegetation, if you were not sure.... though corn and other feeds are edible. Since they are wild and not domesticated like other geese you might run into problems as it matures (bad tempers for one, especially as the mating season comes around). Hope that is helpful.
We have got 2 geese. one i think is an Enbdem (the white ones?) and I don`t have a clue what the other one is
If i could bother you for a question also. ..i have 2 embden geese and i recently got them 3 months ago but they are a year old all of a sudden my female goose Cindy is walking slow not eating much and she has heavy breathing and lets me pick her up i think,she may have eaten something that has made her ill what can i do for her im really worried thank you
If i could bother you for a question also. ..i have 2 embden geese and i recently got them 3 months ago but they are a year old all of a sudden my female goose Cindy is walking slow not eating much and she has heavy breathing and lets me pick her up i think,she may have eaten something that has made her ill what can i do for her im really worried thank you
Here is the link to flushes to remove toxins.. Please use them according to the info. And if you don't see a difference after a few days of doing this you may want to think about a vet.

@Marstonfarm Welcome to BYC and please let us know how she is doing.
I would take her to the vet, it could be a respiratory infection or egg bound, either way I would take her sooner rarther than later. What makes you think she has eaten something she shouldn't ?
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