Gender and breed??


Mar 19, 2016
Anyone want to take a stab sexing these and guessing breed mix at these? I have 1 easter egger-Nutmeg i think is a pullet, a dark grey one- Demon...he bites! (I think rooster not sure what breed mix) and Cheerio (not sure yet sex or breed mix). They came out of a mixed lot of chicks. Parent breeds are buff and lavander orphington, black australorp, easter egger, amerucana,gold laced wyandotte, barred rock and rhode island reds. About 4 weeks old. Nutmeg is much larger than the other two
Also curious what color Cheerio is going to be. I thought Cheerio was a buff but is much lighter than a buff right now.
To young to guess gender and I'm not sure who came from who. But I think Cheerio will most likely be white with maybe a lighter black barring or just plain white.
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Thankyou! Cheerio is looking different than I thought but like the coloring so far.Like most everyon else I need hens not roosters due to noise laws.


Cheerio hen or roo? Mixed breed white with light barring.
They are about 5 weeks old I think now. Any thoughts?
Also these two do not show any roo behaviors. They don't stand upright or chest bump much. I have a few on another group I can tell are roos just by behaviors.

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