Gender Confusion (Do I look like a woman?!)

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10 Years
Jan 31, 2009
Twice this week I've been mistaken for a girl!

When I was at the library on my laptop this guy came in and started talking to one of the librarians. He asked her if people can hook their laptops up in there and she was explaining how, then she pointed at me and said 'See, SHE'S on her's right now working on something.'

If looks could kill, she'd be lying on the floor. And if she's going to judge someone's gender by hair, she was a total man. Short white hair.

Then I was loading feed bags in the back of the truck and this old guy who is an employee at the feed store was outside working on something. He hollered over 'Do you need help with that Ma'am?'. Now I wasn't going to stop and argue about my gender so I just said 'No'. Yet he continues to walk over and starts helping me. I tell him that he doesn't need to, that I've got it. I put most of it in myself anyway, but after I had closed the tail gate he turns to me and (while looking me straight in the face I might add) says 'I hope you didn't misunderstand me, my wife helps me all the time out in the field, I know women can work'. UM. DO I LOOK LIKE A WOMAN?!
Sure, I have longer hair, but I wasn't wearing anything specifically 'feminine' and I don't think I look like a girl. I just turned around and got in the pickup because I was about to bust his head off. And even if I was a woman, if he says women can work, why stop and help me? anyway. Obviously I'm still mad about that. Maybe I need to get a shirt that says 'I'm a man' or find something to wear that is specifically 'male'.

Just put me in a dress and call me a lady!


Yes, go ahead and laugh your head off.

Has anyone else had this problem or mistaken someone's gender before? Share..?

when my sister was younger she was ALWAYS getting mistaken for a boy. i think it happened 3 times on one day once. my mom immediately took us to Walmart and got our ears pierced.
Ok, you made me laugh. How old are you. When I was a young teenager I went through the really long hair phase as well but never did get mistaken for a female. I suspect that you are going to grow out of that stage and look like a man any minute now. Dont fret over it but do not, I repeat, do not stand under a miseltoe (SP?) during this Christmas season. Thats reminds me, I need to start harvesting missletoe pretty soon.

No worries dude, it will pass.
I am frequently called Mister on the phone, because I have a deep, raspy voice. Then when they get DH, who's voice is even deeper, they REALLY get confused! I just laugh about it.

When I was younger I often got mistaken for a boy- I had short hair and liked to wear overalls! But that was the seventies, and I was a hippie...........
Well, as to the old fellow helping you, I realize you were agrivated, but... he was being helpful? I'm sorry your feelings were hurt, but he was being... helpful? It sounds like he really meant well, and if his wife works shoulder to shoulder with him, maybe he meant that he was willing to work shoulder to shoulder with you, though yes, assuming you are female was no doubt upsetting for you.

The lady in the library would have upset me more I suppose.

I'm quite tall for a woman, and in my barn clothes esp in cold weather I get mistaken for a man even when my hair is longer as is yours... one of the reasons I wear dangly earings a lot, but really, few people actually mean to be insulting about it.
I don't think piercing my ears will help..

Well my hair has been kept fairly long for quite a few years now, and this is the longest its been in a while.
But - cutting my hair is out of the question.

In my defense, I haven't shaved in a couple days and I've got quite a bit of stubble - I guess the old guy had bad eyes too.
<--------------------- Redneck Hippie here

Didn't say I wasn't one anymore!
Now I'm an older hippie!
Most of my life was spent in Austin............. Love the long hair on men!
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