Gender guess: 6 weeks old Australorps UPDATED: 8, 9 and 10 weeks

Thank you! They're so big now. Very pretty ❤️
They've looked like pullets from the start to be honest. Lucky you! I will need help with my almost 5 week white Australorp but i might give it another couple of days so it's 5 weeks sharp 🙂 It is a tricky quess though 🤣
Oh I would love to see your chicks to compare!
I'm really not sure about mine, except for the blue one. The other 3 look so different both from cockerels and pullets same age I see in other threads!
Looking forward to your post by the way!
We have 8 wk old BLK AUS and there is no mistaking the roo. Comb and wattles are bright red and bigger while the hens are smaller and not as red. I will try to get picks and have my wife post. Plus the roo is getting his crow on.
Please please please share your pictures when yoy can! I spent the last weeks searching online for Australorp chicks pictures and I still can't get enough! 😁
I’d say they’re all pullets
I hope so!
I'm in love with the white one
Thank you, I don't have experience with this breed, but (s)he is special: she is so different from any chick I ever had!
At this point I'd say they're all pullets. Slow developing cockerels do happen, so just watch for that though. For now I'd breathe easy.
Thank you, those three still puzzle me, but you are the authority in this field: if you say so, I can (cautiously) breathe!
@maceleneo have you read this thread? so helpful!

My chick hasn't changed much apart from growing a bit. I truly begin to believe it's a she :) and I'm convinced that yours are girls, too 🙂
That's awesome, how could I miss this post? Thank you very much for bring it out: I thought I read all the Australorp threads in this section, but I was wrong! I read it holding my breath as if it were a mistery novel 😅 At some point I was afraid there will be no final update (I could have sued you!) but no: it has been updated until the very end!
Thanks again, I also believe they're all pullets now, yours included!

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