Gender guess: 6 weeks old Australorps UPDATED: 8, 9 and 10 weeks

Sorry, I took the pictures and I wrote the post... but somehow I didn't hit the "Post reply" button! 😅 The title was actually updated, ha ha!
Here they are with 10 weeks I see no big changes. Do you?
Thank you! They're so big now. Very pretty ❤️
They've looked like pullets from the start to be honest. Lucky you! I will need help with my almost 5 week white Australorp but i might give it another couple of days so it's 5 weeks sharp 🙂 It is a tricky quess though 🤣
We have 8 wk old BLK AUS and there is no mistaking the roo. Comb and wattles are bright red and bigger while the hens are smaller and not as red. I will try to get picks and have my wife post. Plus the roo is getting his crow on.

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