Gender ID: Someone is crowing like a rooster


5 Years
Jan 1, 2015
These chickens are 5 months old. One of them crows a very distinct rooster crow every morning. I believe one of the white birds may be a rooster. Any help identifying who the rooster may be, would be very appreciated.

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Do you have other potential suspects? I'm not seeing saddle feathers on either of the first two, can't see enough of the last one to tell. The pic of the red bird is fuzzy but nothing really says cockerel if they are five months.
It doesn't look like it's any of the birds in the pictures, definitely not the white ones. However, I might be seeing saddle feathers on that black one in the bottom pictures - do you have any pictures of that one? Might be my eyes are fooling me. The others don't look like roosters, though - no saddle or hackle feathers.
I'm not sure on that one either - I would expect more comb development on a 5 month old rooster. Are those all of your birds?
I'm not sure what the black one is. I thought a black australorp, but I'm not really sure. This red one is the only other one that it could be. I have a golden sex link but she is laying and my americauna is older and definitely a hen. Maybe it is the black one...

Those all look like hens to me. Sometimes when you have a flock of hens with no roosters, the more dominant hen of the flock will rise to the occasion and assume the role of a rooster and start crowing. Hens that crow usually have a more half crow sounding crow if that makes since. Like a juvenile rooster just starting to crow.

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