Gender itentity crisis?


7 Years
Jul 22, 2014
Hawi, Hawaii
OK, I am convinced my goose is a male ( but my neighbor will not budge on it being a female. Has anyone seen their gander make a nest?

Nearly every morning after he's eaten and gone for a swim, Gansy spends the next few hours collecting small sticks and leaves and putting them in my husbands shoe that he takes off just outside the front door. Sometimes he'll put them in his shoe, then remove them and put them onto his own feet, and then put them back in the shoe. If my husband goes outside to put the shoe on (removing the debris first) the next time he takes it off Gansy will come back and put it back in. He also will sit with the shoe and nip at it over and over. it's not a real bite per-se, just rubbing the tip of his beak all over it.

Then the other day I was doing yard work and found a randomly arranged pile of sticks and branches at the base of a palm tree between the stump and a fence. I had seen Gansy in that spot a few times and it was all the same stuff that he puts in my husbands shoe.

So... my neighbor insists that Gansy has be be a female because she is making a nest to lay her eggs. But I have seen my Old English Bantam rooster "fluff" up a nest for his lady to lay an egg in, so I think it's possible that a gander would prepare a nest even without a goose to lay an egg in it, right?

Also, it has proven a difficult task to find my goose a mate. He was originally purchased as a bonded pair but his companion was stolen. Now it seems that he is an uncommon breed here and I have not been able to find a goose the same size. We've only been able to find the smaller duck-like geese. Is it OK to mate the two different types of geese? Will he bond with a female of a different type. My biggest fear is obtaining a female and Gansy not liking her and then I have two lonely geese! What seems to be the acceptable variation in geese with them still recognizing familiarity? And can they still breed?

As always, thanks so much for your help!
Well I would also think it sounds like female. How old is Gansy? Most geese lay the spring following their hatch. What variety of geese is Gansy and where are you located? Geese will breed with some different species of geese. Those from the swan geese will breed with greylag varieties.
Well I would also think it sounds like female. How old is Gansy? Most geese lay the spring following their hatch. What variety of geese is Gansy and where are you located? Geese will breed with some different species of geese. Those from the swan geese will breed with greylag varieties.

Hi flockman, thanks for your help!

Gansy was given to me in April of last year. His prior owner had him for about 6 months and he was fairly small when she got him. I'm guessing he hatched sometime in the fall of 2013 (give or take). I have no idea the breed. I live in a remote part of Mexico and most animals here are a mix so Gansy might be too. He is very large and white with grey patches and very bright blue eyes with a yellow circle around them. His gender and breed has been a mystery so in my quest for a companion for him I figured I'd just look for a female of similar size but this has proven very difficult. I have only been able to find ganders that were much smaller. It would be nice if I could positively identify the gender so I could find a suitable mate.

Any insight?

Gansy is beautiful and seems to be showing some signs of being female, My female Toulouse picks up sticks and leaves and gathers the at her feet. Here is a video of a gander and goose and shows the difference in the 2, maybe you have noticed some of these traits in Gansy

and this is the beginning of breeding season so if Gansy was a gander he maybe showing some signs. and they are not particular about mates, before I got my gander a goose his mate was a Muscovy ducks for over 5 years
Gansy is beautiful and seems to be showing some signs of being female, My female Toulouse picks up sticks and leaves and gathers the at her feet. Here is a video of a gander and goose and shows the difference in the 2, maybe you have noticed some of these traits in Gansy

and this is the beginning of breeding season so if Gansy was a gander he maybe showing some signs. and they are not particular about mates, before I got my gander a goose his mate was a Muscovy ducks for over 5 years

Miss Lydia,
Thanks for your insight! Question, does your gander ever pick up sticks or assist with preparing a nest? Also, is there anything special I should do just in case Gansy is a female to give her a place to lay? Where do they usually lay?

I watched the video and for sure Gansy displays more of the traits of the gander in the video. The low-slung head and ruffling of the wings when he's in super pursuit mode. Combined with looking at pictures it's sort of why I assumed he was a he. But then he started this nest building and now I'm back to wondering if the only way to know for sure is wait for an egg!

Miss Lydia,
Thanks for your insight! Question, does your gander ever pick up sticks or assist with preparing a nest? Also, is there anything special I should do just in case Gansy is a female to give her a place to lay? Where do they usually lay?

I watched the video and for sure Gansy displays more of the traits of the gander in the video. The low-slung head and ruffling of the wings when he's in super pursuit mode. Combined with looking at pictures it's sort of why I assumed he was a he. But then he started this nest building and now I'm back to wondering if the only way to know for sure is wait for an egg!

My ganders follow the females into the different houses I have for my geese ducks and chickens but in the almost 8 yrs I've had my gander I've never seen him playing at making a nest or gathering things. Alot of us are kept guessing until we see that first egg, so maybe hold off for a month or 2 till you see that first egg before looking for a mate.
They can really keep us guessing. Does Gansy have a house she/he sleeps in at night? if so make sure there is plenty of bedding whether it's straw/hay or wood shaving they make their own nest which really isn't much of a nest my goose doesn't even cover her eggs when she comes out after laying not like my ducks do.

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