General feed discussion/flock raiser/starter/and more

Faithful flock

Jun 27, 2022
South Carolina
Hey there! In the past I've only had layer hens but now I have all sorts of poultry like bantams and I now have roosters.

The reason I'm keep chickens now is more of a hobby. But the eggs are nice aswell ;):p

How much protein is ideal for layer hens and non layers?

Some good Organic starter brands would be great!

Also is this starter okay for layer hens and for my whole flock? This is what I feed my youngsters and it's easy to find in my area

I feed all chickens of all ages an all flock feed (Purina Flock Raiser,) which is 20% protein. They get oyster shell on the side. I suggest you offer oyster shell, and keep feeding your starter feed at least until you use it up. Feed is perishable.

The "Purina Flock Raiser" is not organic though. I heard that many "Flock Raiser" brands don't carry an "Organic" version. Due to that I started getting starter or grower it's basically the same thing.
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Remind me to get tag pictures to explain more what I do.

I keep my quail on layer crumble. I've noticed oddly enough they're more docile around each other with less protein and I don't need them to be any more aggressive than currently with each other, the little savages.

My two retired gals get layer as well since they're not with males anymore but one at least is laying (the other just got weaned from her babies she adopted, so I have no clue if she can lay or not anymore. I wouldn't be opposed though if she didn't keep laying)

Everyone else gets turkey grower and Oystershell if necessary after they're 8 weeks old. Before 8 weeks old, they either get turkey grower or medicated feed depending on what I happen to have when they're around.
My chickens are on 20% Flock Raiser year round (if the flock raiser is out of stock I use chick starter). I was using Purina, but just recently switched back to Kalmbach. I'm not sure if Purina has any organic feed options, but Kalmbach has an Organic Chick Starter that is 20% protein. Just make sure to provide oyster shell on the side for your layers. Feeds&utm_term=
I have roosters too. I typically use All Flock with 18-20% protein, but your chick starter should work too. I would avoid medicated chick feed for the whole flock, but it looks like that one is unmedicated.

Most layer feeds are 16% but I prefer higher, especially during molting season. I have heritage breeds and used about 18% for the whole flock last year and was advised by a poultry judge to bump it up.
I feed Purina's Flock Raiser to everyone, with separate oyster shell. It's not organic, and I'm okay with that. It is fresh by mill date where I shop, a very important feature.
Something organic with 20% protein and fresh by mill date would also be fine, either an all flock or chick feed.
Where you shop matters, because many feeds are available regionally, not everywhere, and especially if whatever isn't available fresh.
Also, feeds having whole seeds, not pelleted or crumble, should usually be fed moist, so birds don't pick out yummy bits and leave the rest.

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