Genotype .... : WHITE !


13 Years
Aug 20, 2011
Here are two WHITE peacocks :

One ( 1 ) is coming from the cross Blue pied x Blue pied and the other one ( 2 ) is coming from the cross Bronze pied X Bronze pied .

They are genetically equal? same genotype?
Are they split .... a colour ?

To prove it :
White n° 1 X IB split White = 50% White + 50% IB ... but is it enough to prove it ?

White n° 2 X IB split White = 50% White + .... ??? 50% .... IB because Blue is dominant ?

White n° 2 X Bronze split White = 50% White + 50% Bronze.

White n° 1 X Bronze split White = 50% White + .... ??? 50% .... IB because Blue is dominant ?

White n° 1 X White n° 2 = ???? White ( Blue ) ?

Blue silver pied X Blue Silver pied = 25% White ( White n° 3 ).

White n° 1 and White n° 3 have the same genotype ?
Cool conversation and I have no clue because I do not like to breed whites but will be interested in following any conversation on this!
I love to learn about peafowl genetics but it doesn't stick as well unless I actually do the breeding.

So there you have it. A new project! Breed possibilities and record all the results!
#1 and #3 are different, as #3 will carry white eye, and #1 will not.
Basically, white masks any other genetic factors, so if you know the other genetic factors, such as bronze, you would basically treat it like you would bronze. #1 x #2 will be "blue" whites split to bronze, so your statement is correct.
#2 x IB split white will result in 50% white split to bronze, the same outcome as the above statement.

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