German New Hampshire

Sweet deal and glad to see one of those "orange" chickens at the top of the heap again, I think there will be more of them to come in the future of showing as this breed has surely spread in population and interest as of late.

Chris you got one-uped huh? well at least you know where the bird(or its forefathers) that beat you came from huh,LOL

Good day


Sadly for Chris....the rooster I won with is the ONLY New Hampshire I didn't get from him. I ordered half a dozen hatching eggs last spring from a person on here out of Florida and he was the only one that hatched. Actually, he is the reason I met Chris in the first place. I wanted more of the breed to go with my poor lone chicken and Chris was local and raised them!
I'll let Rhonda have this one this time but I have a few birds of my own that I'm growing out for this years as well. Next time, she had better bring her "A game", No more free rides at our local shows for her anymore!!! LOL! Heck man she has the same Reds that I have, the same Barred Rocks that I have and the same New Hampshires that I have.....I had better bring my "A Game"!!!!


I guarontee ya! you had best get on the stick, it sounds as if someone else has caught the the "showing fever" huh? LOL

Sadly for Chris....the rooster I won with is the ONLY New Hampshire I didn't get from him. I ordered half a dozen hatching eggs last spring from a person on here out of Florida and he was the only one that hatched. Actually, he is the reason I met Chris in the first place. I wanted more of the breed to go with my poor lone chicken and Chris was local and raised them!

Well they are all kissing cousins anyhow(dog-kin 'bout 3rd or 4th) Yeah, I remember you had gotten some from Fla. those are all from the same brood in MO.and from Doug Akers originally.

Must be a few hundred of those broadcast across the US by now, they spread like a wildfire when they hit the scene.

good day everybody

Totally agree Jeff.
Herzog& MrsMagoo--LOVE those orange birds!! The sire of my NH birds is from Jwhip via kathy bonham in MO via Akers. 'Course I got GSBR's too. Just seem to go together like bread and buttah!! Lol
Send some rain this way. Here in AZ its topping at 90 already. Ugh. Already ready for November here. Got sunflowers about 10 inches tall And harvested some black cherry tomatos today. Roses are about done for season til Nov. heirloom short season corn about 18 inches now.
Totally agree Jeff.
Herzog& MrsMagoo--LOVE those orange birds!! The sire of my NH birds is from Jwhip via kathy bonham in MO via Akers. 'Course I got GSBR's too. Just seem to go together like bread and buttah!! Lol
Send some rain this way. Here in AZ its topping at 90 already. Ugh. Already ready for November here. Got sunflowers about 10 inches tall And harvested some black cherry tomatos today. Roses are about done for season til Nov. heirloom short season corn about 18 inches now.

Gotta love those big, healthy birds! I got the GSBR, but also the Duckworth and Stukel lines too. Going to be a lot of orange and stripes running around here!

We are about SICK of rain here for the time being: I would happily send some your way if I could. My poor garden hadn't finished drying out from the last deluge and now it is raining all day today again (plenty more rain in the forecast too). The heat is about to get turned up here starting next week: Not in the 90's but the 80's during the daytime. The garden is growing like mad and I have blooms on some of my tomato and pepper plants: I planted around 100 of My corn is only about 4" tall, but once we hit those warmer days it is going to shoot straight up!
Enjoy those tomatoes for the rest of us!
Well they are all kissing cousins anyhow(dog-kin 'bout 3rd or 4th) Yeah, I remember you had gotten some from Fla. those are all from the same brood in MO.and from Doug Akers originally.

Must be a few hundred of those broadcast across the US by now, they spread like a wildfire when they hit the scene.

good day everybody


Well, all it takes is one look at them and a person falls in love
. They are just such handsome birds! I am really glad they are getting into more folks hands. Getting that better stock out there to enough breeders will ensure they stay big, healthy, and beautiful!
Well, all it takes is one look at them and a person falls in love
. They are just such handsome birds! I am really glad they are getting into more folks hands. Getting that better stock out there to enough breeders will ensure they stay big, healthy, and beautiful!
I planted some orange chicken 'seeds' around the southwest this Spring...sold a few pairs and a quad to some folks who are planning to help perpetuate the breed...some the 'lesser' specimens were sold as layers/meat grow outs etc. they have been updating me with photos and really enjoying them thus far...I feel good/hopeful about where these juveniles were placed. BTW--love your Poms!!
I planted some orange chicken 'seeds' around the southwest this Spring...sold a few pairs and a quad to some folks who are planning to help perpetuate the breed...some the 'lesser' specimens were sold as layers/meat grow outs etc. they have been updating me with photos and really enjoying them thus far...I feel good/hopeful about where these juveniles were placed. BTW--love your Poms!!

Aww....thanks. The Poms are a labor of love. It will take me years of careful breeding to get them where I want them, but I still love them flawed as some of them are!

Glad to know those orange chicken "seeds" you planted are growing well. They are amazing birds and folks that come here to get eggs and such are always amazed to see such huge gorgeous boys wandering around!
I just had to share this photo, taken today, of my "soon to be" cock (hatched first week of April '12). The sunlight on these German New Hampshires just makes them glow....

Wow, I think he is really pretty!!

I hatched a few out during the winter and am really liking them..I'm keeping the pullet but will have to sell the cockerel.. sure wish I had another breeding pen, They are beautiful birds!
I have a breeding pen and two NH pullets (German), I wish you were closer, I'm sure we could work out a deal.

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